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  • Managing Disruptive or Aggressive Behaviors: Tips for Families—Mental Health Toolkit

    It’s normal for children of any age to get angry or break a rule once in a while. But if your child’s behaviors are causing problems at home, at school, or with friends, they may need extra support.

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  • Managing Inattention, Impulsivity, and Hyperactivity: Tips for Families—Mental Health Toolkit

    Inattention and impulsivity are normal for young children. But by the time they’re in school, most children can pay attention for a longer time and can think and plan before they act. If your school-aged child behaves more like what you would expect from a younger child, this behavior may be a sign

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  • Marijuana: What Parents Need to Know

    Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics about marijuana use in children, including risks and how to prevent marijuana use.

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  • Medicine and the Media: How to Make Sense of the Messages

    Your child is sick or hurt and the first thought on your mind is, “How can I make my child better?” That's natural. No parent wants his or her child to suffer. So how do you decide what medicines to give or treatments to try?

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  • Ratings: Making Healthy Media Choices

    Research has shown that children are influenced by what they see and hear, especially at very young ages. To help parents make informed choices about what their children see and hear, many entertainment companies use ratings systems. Ratings give parents more information about the content of television

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  • Responding to Children's Emotional Needs During Times of Crisis: Information for Parents

    Pediatricians are often the first responders for children and families suffering emotional and psychological reactions to terrorism and other disasters. As such, pediatricians have a unique opportunity to help parents and other caregivers communicate

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  • Single Parenting

    Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics on how single parents can support their children and themselves.

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  • Sleep Problems in Children

    Sleep problems are very common during the first few years of life. Problems may include waking up during the night, not wanting to go to sleep, nightmares, sleepwalking, and bedwetting. If frantic upset persists with no apparent cause, call your child's doctor.

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  • Sleep Problems: Your Child’s Sleep Diary

    Children differ in how much sleep they need, how long it takes them to fall asleep, and how easily they wake up. If you are concerned about your child’s sleep habits, talk with your child’s doctor. Your child’s doctor may ask you to keep a sleep diary to help track your child’s sleep habits.

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  • Smoking and E-cigarettes: What Parents Need to Know About the Risks of Tobacco Use

    Many people think that the only people harmed by tobacco use are smokers who have smoked for a long time. The fact is that tobacco use can be harmful to everyone. This includes unborn babies and people who don’t smoke.

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  • Smoking and E-cigarettes: What Parents Need to Know About the Risks of Tobacco Use

    Did you know that about 80% of teens in the United States don't smoke? They've made a healthy choice.

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  • Staying Cool When Things Heat Up

    Anger is normal. It is natural to feel this way when you or someone you care about has been treated badly. It's up to us to decide how to act when we get angry.

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  • Stress-Management Plan

    Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics to aid parents in helping their children manage stress.

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  • Stressed? Read This.

    Even though stress makes us feel uncomfortable, it's not always a bad thing. Sometimes stress can really help us deal with tough situations. A lot of stress changes our bodies quickly and helps us react to an emergency. A little stress keeps us alert and helps us work harder.

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  • Suicide Prevention: Safety Plan

    f your child is feeling depressed and having suicidal thoughts, help your child create a safety plan.

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  • Talking With Your Teen About Sex

    Children are exposed to sexual messages every day—on TV, on the Internet, in movies, in magazines, and in music. Sex in the media is so common that you might think that teens today already know all they need to about sex. They may even claim to know it all, so sex is something you just don't talk about.

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  • Teen Suicide, Mood Disorder, and Depression

    Suicide is the second leading cause of death for 10- to 24-year-olds. Parents can help protect their children by being aware of risk factors and warning signs and talking with their child.

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  • Temper Tantrums

    It's hard for a young child to hold strong feelings inside. Young children often cry, scream, or stomp up and down when they are upset. As a parent, you may feel angry, helpless, or ashamed.

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  • Temper Tantrums

    It's hard for young children to hold strong feelings inside. When they feel frustrated or angry, they often cry, scream, or stomp up and down. This is a temper tantrum. Temper tantrums are a normal part of your child's development. They usually begin around age 12 to 18 months, get worse between 2 and

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  • Thumbs, Fingers, and Pacifiers

    The good news is that most children stop their sucking habits before they get very far in school. This is because of peer pressure. While your child might still use sucking as a way of going to sleep or calming down when upset, this is usually

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  • Toilet Training

    Teaching your child how to use the toilet takes time and patience. Each child learns to use the toilet in his or her own time. Here is information from the American Academy of Pediatrics to help guide you and your child through the process.

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  • Welcoming a New Sibling: How to Help Your Child Adjust

    Here is information from the American Academy of Pediatrics to help parents prepare older siblings (big brothers and big sisters) for a new sibling (little brother or little sister).

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  • What is a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician?

    If your child has a developmental, learning, or behavioral problem, a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician has the training and expertise to evaluate and care for your child. Developmental-behavioral pediatricians possess training and experience to consider, in their assessments and treatments, the

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  • Your Child's Mental Health: When to Seek Help and Where to Get Help

    Have you noticed a recent change in your child's behavior? Is she having trouble getting along with friends? Is he failing school? Is this new behavior affecting your family?

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  • Your Family's Mental Health: 10 Ways to Improve Mood Naturally

    Great physical health is characterized by strength, flexibility, comfort, energy, endurance, and coordination. Similarly, great mental health includes feeling cheerful, hopeful, confident, resilient, adaptable, and connected to the people and world around us. Developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle

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