• Valentine's Day History
    Valentine’s Day is best known as a celebration of love in all its forms. Pink hearts, red roses, and cute greeting cards adorn every surface you see. What many people Read more
  • Can You Repair Your Tooth Enamel?
    There are lots of ads out there for toothpastes that claim to repair damaged tooth enamel. Can you treat cavities and tooth decay at home? Well, mostly, no, you can’t. Can you Read more
  • Is there really a link between my mouth and heart?
    Yes, indeed! While brushing, flossing, and regular visits to Wayne Chanler are all key to maintaining a healthy smile and mouth, the doctor and our team want you to know Read more
  • What should I do if my child has a toothache?
    Toothaches in children can be tricky ordeals that cause distress for both the child and the parent. You may feel helpless and frustrated because you cannot pinpoint the location of Read more
  • Is Charcoal Teeth Whitening Safe?
    Health and beauty trends surface on the web every day, and it can be difficult to tell which ones are worth your time, or even safe, for that matter. Perhaps Read more
  • We are committed to your oral health!
    Dental visits are often negatively associated with discomfort in many people’s minds. But at Wayne Chanler, the doctor and our team have created an atmosphere focused on dispelling those myths. Read more
  • Make this the Year You Stop Smoking
    It’s a new year, and it couldn’t come fast enough for many of us! Let’s do our part to make this a better year in every way—and you can start Read more
  • New Year's Eve
    Watching the clock tick down the final seconds until midnight, many of us- Wayne Chanler included- feel nostalgic about the passing year and hopeful about the new one to come. Read more
  • Dental Infections
    the doctor and our team at Wayne Chanler will tell you that dental infections can be very serious; sometimes, they develop into a life-threatening situation. Cavities are caused by acid-generating Read more
  • The Many Types of Sedation Dentistry
    There are many reasons to choose sedation dentistry. Perhaps anxiety is an issue, or your teeth are extremely sensitive. You may have a low pain threshold, an easily triggered gag Read more
  • Happy Holidays! Healthy Holidays!
    It’s the holiday season! With so much to do and so much going on, you want to be at your best. We have some ideas to help make your season Read more
  • How do OTC whitening treatments compare to in-office whitening?
    If you are unhappy with the color of your teeth, teeth whitening may be an excellent choice for you. Many patients of the doctor suffer from darkened teeth due to Read more
  • Thanksgiving in North America
    Thanksgiving marks the start to the holidays; a season filled with feasting, indulging, and spending time with family and friends are always special. Thanksgiving is a holiday meant for giving Read more
  • What’s in Your Backpack?
    Hiking is a great way to appreciate the beauty of nature, to get away from the stresses of daily life, and, of course, to challenge yourself physically. While you’re packing Read more
  • Cold Comfort
    The sounds of the season are filling the air—falling leaves rustling along the sidewalk, football cheers, holiday greetings—and the coughs and sneezes of your fellow sufferers. Yes, it’s cold and Read more
  • Should You Be Concerned about Your Child’s Bad Breath?
    The short answer to this question? Yes. Because your child’s breath is a reflection of his or her oral health, you should talk to the doctor if you notice any Read more

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm





