Employment Services

“Making Individuals Lives Better”

Kirstin Care's Employment Services assist individuals with disabilities to obtain and maintain successful, sustainable employment by fostering e self supported work environment and promoting Independence within the community. Our experienced and dedicated employment specialists take a customized approach, focusing on each candidate's unique strengths, interests, and skills to help them reach their career goals. As individuals gain proficiency, our support is gradually reduced, fostering a system of natural workplace support. We match your passion and skills with the best employment opportunities, taking the time to understand your strengths, desired outcomes, and training needs to develop a successful strategy for achieving your employment goals.

Programs Offered:

Provide community-based employment, supplemental job training, and long-term support to individuals with disabilities, enhancing their independence through natural supports and necessary training.

Supported Employment

Person-Centered Planning

- Interest Inventory: Identify the individual's interests and strengths.
- Information Gathering: Collect necessary personal and professional information.
- Sell-Advocacy: Teach self-advocacy skills to empower the individual.

Job Search Preparation

- Resume Development: Assist in creating or updating the resume.
- Interview Training: Provide training for successful interview techniques.
- Job Application Support: Help in completing and submitting job applications.

Job Placement

- Employer Outreach: Contact potential employers to identify job opportunities.
- Interview Assistance: Support the individual through the interview process.

Job Retention

- Creation of a Support Plan: Develop a plan tailored to the individual's needs for maintaining employment.
- On or Off-Site Support: Provide support at or away from the job site as needed.
- Employer and Coworker Relationship Facilitation: Build relationships and capacity within the workplace to support the individual.

Independent Employment

Assessment and Planning: Conduct a detailed assessment of the individual's skills, interests, and support needs, and develop a personalized plan outlining career goals.

Job Exploration: Identify potential employment opportunities that align with the individual's abilities and interests through research and exploration.Resume and Interview Preparation: Help the individual create or update their resume and provide interview coaching to effectively present their skills to employers.

Job Search: Assist in searching for job openings, completing applications, and submitting resumes, using various resources like job boards and networking.

Placement: Support the individual through the onboarding process, including any necessary workplace accommodations. to ensure a smooth transition into the new role.

Follow-Up: Provide continuous support to maintain successful employment, including regular check-ins and adjustments to support as needed.

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Coming Soon)

The program includes key components to support students in their transition to employment and post-secondary education. Workplace Readiness Training focuses on essential job skills like job searching, resume writing, interviewing, and maintaining employment. Job Exploration Counseling offers personalized sessions to help students identify job goats, create a resume, and practice interview skills. Post-Secondary Education Counseling provides tailored guidance, including research on institutions, support with college tours, and help with the application process. Self-Advocacy is integrated into the process, guiding students through planning and goal setting, culminating in a presentation of their plan to their transition team.

Program Process:

Individual-Focused Planning
Job Search Preparation
Job Placement
On-the-Job Training
Socialization Support
Individual with a physical or mental disability


Client picture while at work
And words from the client

Additional Information:

Individual must be at least 16 years old
Expresses on interest in competitive employment and a desire to work in the community
Eligible for community-based programs: Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) and Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)
Needs Supported Employment (SE) services to choose, obtain, maintain, or advance within competitive employment 

Our Location

5801 Allentown Road Suite 310, Camp Springs, MD, 20746

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm




  • "Mr. Robert Holmes, Veteran U.S. Armed Forces said he came to Kirstin’s Haven unemployed and feeling hopeless. KHI was able to assist him in finding gainful employment and participating in community resources for health and therapy. As part of his recovery process along with supports from KHI, Mr. Holmes reunited with his family and relocated to Virginia to live with his wife."
    Kirstin's Haven "Stories of Hope"