The benefits of Zoom Whitening

It’s not surprising that a study conducted by the American Dental Association found that a smile is a person’s best feature. So if your smile is looking a little lackluster these days, we can help get your smile back on track with Zoom teeth whitening.

About Zoom Whitening

This non-invasive, in-office whitening treatment removes discolorations and stains from tooth enamel and gets teeth several shades whiter in just one hour. The treatment involves painting a peroxide-based whitening gel over the front of the teeth and then using light to activate the gel. The light breaks down the hydrogen peroxide in the gel, which causes it to emit oxygen, breaking down stain molecules in the enamel and dentin layers of the teeth.

Considering Zoom Whitening

Not sure if Zoom whitening is for you? We understand! Before you take the plunge you may simply want to know more about this treatment and what to expect. Before getting Zoom whitening, you will need to come into our practice so that we can examine your smile and make sure that your teeth are healthy enough for treatment. We will also sit down to discuss your goals for whitening to make sure that Zoom is right for you. 

After all, we want to help you reach your cosmetic goals, whether that’s through Zoom whitening or any of the other cosmetic treatments we offer. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and a simple consultation with our team will make sure that you’re a good fit for our in-office whitening treatment.

Getting Zoom Whitening

You’ve decided to get Zoom whitening treatment. The whitening process itself usually takes about one hour. Our dental professionals may quickly clean your teeth before whitening to remove any plaque or tartar buildup. From there, we will place a barrier to protect the gums while exposing the teeth. We will also provide you with protective eyewear. From there, we will apply the whitening gel and direct the lamp over your teeth for 15 minutes. This process is then repeated two to three times in one session. We may need to adjust the light or gel to accommodate your goals or to adjust for any sensitivity. Many patients get the results they want in a single one-hour Zoom whitening session.

Are you interested in getting Zoom whitening from our Vancouver dental practice? If so, schedule a consultation at Arbutus Station Dental by calling (604) 738-4223 today.

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Hours of Operation




11:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm

Alternate Saturdays

