12360 NE 8th St. Ste 250, Bellevue, Washington 98005

Oral Cancer Screenings

We use OralID which uses a proven, optically based technology called "fluorescence technology." OralID's fluorescence technology uses a blue light (435–460 nm) that allows a clinician to identify oral cancer, pre-cancer and other abnormal lesions at an earlier stage, thus saving lives. The medical applications of fluorescence technology includes diagnosis of the GI tract, cervix, lung, skin and oral mucosa.

Oral cancer screenings are a very important part of the dental visit for our patients. With the advances in modern technology, we are now able to pinpoint the start of a potential problem much earlier in its evolution. The ability to do so is extremely important in being able to treat any issues prior to them becoming a major irreversible problem.

Certain lifestyle choices can have a great impact on the health of tissues and your overall health in the mouth. If you are a smoker or heavy drinker, make sure to get regular screenings when you visit us.