Discover The Benefits Of Oral Appliance Treatment

Have you been diagnosed with sleep apnea? If you have, you know this sleep disorder can harm your systemic health and daily oral appliancefunctioning. At Glen Ridge Dental Arts in Montclair, New Jersey, Dr. Paul Dionne uses his training in sleep dentistry to offer oral appliance therapy for treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. A great alternative or adjunct to CPAP therapies, a customized oral appliance could help you get the healthy sleep you need.

Sleep apnea is a serious problem

This sleep disorder affects about 24 million Americans, reports the National Healthy Sleep Awareness Project. Heart arrhythmias, stroke, depression, type-2 diabetes, dementia and more frequently accompany Obstructive Sleep Apnea, or OSA.

Just what is OSA? OSA happens when the soft tissues at the back of the throat (tongue, tonsils, etc.) relax when someone is asleep, covering his or her airway. The individual cannot breathe properly and so wakes up gasping for air. These episodes can occur up to several times an hour every night, so that the person may feel tired, irritated and unable to concentrate properly during the day.

What to do

If you suspect you have sleep apnea, or your loved ones tell you your snoring is unbearably loud, talk to your primary care physician. They may refer you to a sleep physician for a monitored evaluation of your sleep cycle and patterns. If you receive a diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Dr. Paul Dionne at Glen Ridge Dental Arts may be able to help you with customized oral appliance therapy.

Worn at night, an acrylic oral appliance gently moves the lower jaw forward. This forward position actually opens the airway and keeps it open, avoid the snoring, gasping and other issues associated with sleep apnea. Oral appliances often work well for patients who cannot tolerate CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machines, along with the noise, vibration and sometimes claustrophobic feelings they can create.

Trust the experts

At Glen Ridge Dental Arts, Dr. Paul Dionne has helped people sleep better and have more vibrant health. He is a qualified dentist in the Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine; so be assured he knows this sleep disorder well. Please phone his office today to arrange your consultation, and sleep well again. Call (973) 748-7790.

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