Oral Appliance Therapy to Treat Sleep Apnea

Find out how a simple oral appliance could manage your sleep apnea symptoms.

Did you just find out from a doctor that you are dealing with sleep apnea? While discovering this fact can be worrisome for some patients,sleep apnea we understand that it can also be a relief to finally figure out why you are feeling exhausted all of the time despite getting enough sleep. Of course, something you might not realize is that our very own Montclair, NJ dentist, Dr. Paul Dionne, could play a role in treating your sleep apnea symptoms for the long-term.

Once someone suspects that they have sleep apnea the next logical step is to schedule a sleep study with a sleep specialist. During that sleep study, a technician will be able to detect certain signs of sleep apnea. Once sleep apnea has been detected your doctor will work with you to create a treatment plan that works best for you. While CPAP therapy is the standard treatment for this sleep disorder, if you are only dealing with minor sleep apnea symptoms or if you are unable to tolerate CPAP then our Montclair, NJ, dentist may be able to treat your sleep apnea with a simple oral appliance.

Instead of wearing a facemask over your nose and mouth each night, we can provide you with a custom-fitted dental appliance that looks similar to a mouthguard and sits over both your upper and lower teeth. This device is great for treating both snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. There are different kinds of oral appliances out there and depending on your situation, we will determine the kind that is right for you.

Oral appliances work in one of two ways: they either position the jaws forward to prevent the tissue in the back of the throat from collapsing or they suppress the tongue to prevent it from blocking the airways while you sleep. Again, when we sit down with you during your consultation we will help you decide which oral appliance is best for you.

What makes oral appliance therapy so great is that all you have to do is wear this small, comfortable device while you sleep. This is particularly useful for frequent travelers, as having to carry around bulky CPAP machinery can be inconvenient and cumbersome. Plus, this oral appliance is also easy to keep clean and maintain.

Glen Ridge Dental Arts in Montclair, NJ, wants to make sure that you are sleeping soundly and waking up refreshed. If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and are interested in oral appliance therapy, call our office today to schedule a consultation.

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