The Importance of Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer screenings are an important part of your regular dental checkups. During your checkup, the dentist will examine your lips, oral cancertongue, and inside of your mouth for signs of oral cancer. Screening for oral cancer each time you go in for a dental exam can lead to early detection of oral cancer or other oral health problems. The earlier any health problem is detected, the better your prognosis. At Glen Ridge Dental Arts in Glen Ridge and Montclair, NJ, Dr. Paul Dionne is your dentist for dental checkups that include oral cancer screenings.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer is usually diagnosed in adults over age 40 but can occur in younger adults as well. In fact, a diagnosis of oral cancer diagnoses in younger adults has been increasing in recent years due to the spread of HPV, the Human Papilloma Virus. Since oral cancer can affect adults of all ages, it is important to see a dentist who routinely provides oral cancer screenings as part of your regular dental checkup. As your Glen Ridge and Montclair dentist if oral cancer screenings are included in your dental exam.

Signs of oral cancer include white or red patches in the mouth, usual sores in or around the mouth, lumps, and swelling. When screening for oral cancer, your dentist should examine the lips, the top and bottom of the tongue, and entire interior of the mouth. If the dentist discovers any potential signs of oral cancer, a sample of the suspicious area can be taken for testing to determine if cancer cells are present. Early diagnosis of oral cancer can prevent further oral health problems and significantly improve your chances of beating the cancer.

Oral cancer screenings should not be overlooked. Regular screenings can lead to early detection of oral cancer or other oral health problems. Screening for oral cancer is already part of your regular dental exam at Glen Ridge Dental Arts. To schedule a dental exam with Dr. Dionne, your Glen Ridge and Montclair, NJ, dentist, call Glen Ridge Dental Arts at (973) 748-7790.

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8:00 am-2:00 pm

