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Protecting Yourself from the Sun

Too much exposure to sunlight can be harmful to your skin. Dangerous ultraviolet B (UVB) and ultraviolet A (UVA) rays damage skin, which leads to premature wrinkles, skin cancer and Read More

Fair Skin? Understand How to Properly Care for Your Skin

If you have fair skin, you are often told to stay out of the sun, or to at least wear sunscreen with the highest SPF. Fair skin ranges from being Read More

How To Repair Sun-Damaged Skin and Restore Your Youthful Glow

Sun damage, also known as photo aging, refers to how repeated sun exposure over time alters the appearance and feel of the skin. Too much time spent in the sun Read More

How to Erase Damage Caused by the Sun

Many people enjoy basking in the sun and spending extra hours outside, especially in the summertime. Unfortunately, too much time spent soaking up the sun’s rays can be damaging to Read More

How to Treat a Painful Sunburn

Although it may only seem like a temporary irritation, a sunburn can cause long-lasting damage to the skin. Skin that is sunburned is red, tender and warm to the touch. Read More

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