Mouth and throat cancer are on the rise , while all other incidents of cancer are on the decline.

Did you know?

By 2020, the number of HPV-related oral cancers in middle-aged men is expected to surpass rates of cervical cancer in women.

The number of oral cancers has increased over a 7 year period, where all other cancers have declined.

1 person every 20 minutes of every day, all year long, is getting cancer caused by HPV.

Oral cancer can make you unable to swallow or chew, subject you to severe disfigurement from surgery to remove tumors and kill you if not caught early enough.

An early oral cancer diagnosis
is absolutely critical for survival

Our office offers, at no charge, an oral inspection with the highest technology oral cancer identification light available. And, if you have risk factors, we will use the Identafi™ light at each preventative appointment.

What are oral cancer risk factors?


is now a leading cause of oral cancer in the United States

For decades tobacco (smoking and smokeless) was the leading cause of oral cancer but now HPV takes the lead, by more than 10 times the risk of smoking. Growing at 30% a year we must spread the word that HPV infection is detectable and HPV-related cancers are treatable if caught early.

Also, we must spread the word that oral sex is not safe sex!

Fortunately, identification of persistent HPV infection is as simple as spitting in a cup.
It's easy, affordable, and confidential.

Hours of Operation

Monday, Wednesday
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday, Thursday
7:30 am - 2:30 pm
Friday - Sunday