Get Your Smile Back

When you lose teeth, you really suffer. The change in oral function, those smile gaps, an aged facial appearance--they're beyond denturesdiscouraging. They're truly devastating. Would you like to get your back? You can with state-of-the-art dentures from San Bernardino, CA, dentist, Dr. Sanjay Patel. He and his team of caring professionals will design and precision-fit you with beautiful and lifelike dentures that also are long-lasting.

What happens with tooth loss

Your facial appearance and function change when you lose one or more teeth. Bone and gums recede, compromising how you bite, chew, and speak. What dentists call bite height shrinks, making you look much older than you are. Additionally, some people develop teeth grinding issues and TMD, or temporomandibular joint dysfunction, a painful condition affecting the jaw joint.

What can you do

If you are missing teeth already, or if you anticipate extractions due to decay, gum disease, or other problems, see Dr. Patel about dentures. In his San Bernardino office, he'll examine your teeth and gums carefully and take digital X-rays and oral impressions. From there, he'll formulate a treatment plan outlining your denture options.

What Dr. Patel delivers

The American College of Prosthodontists states that the most common kinds of dentures are:

  • Partial, made of one, two, or more acrylic teeth mounted on a light metal frame. Held in place via clasps attached to remaining natural teeth, a partial denture fills smile gaps and facilitates natural biting and chewing.
  • Complete, or full, replacing an entire arch of teeth. Made of natural-looking acrylic, complete dentures rest right on the gums and bone. Well-fitted, these San Bernardino dentures rarely require denture adhesive. Additionally, if you qualify, Dr. Patel may stabilize these dentures with titanium dental implants inserted right into the jaw bone for maximum security.
  • Immediate, placed right after tooth extraction. These full dentures speed extraction site healing and allow the patient to leave the dental office with a complete smile. However, most immediate dentures require eventual relining or even replacement as gums and bone shrink.

What's best for you

Dr. Patel will create your best tooth replacement option. Call his office team in San Bernardino, CA, today for a consultation on dentures: (888) 599-7005. You can get your smile back again!


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