Rejuvenate Your Smile With Six Month Smiles

Want a straighter smile but don’t want to wait forever? Now you don’t have to with Six Month Smiles.

It’s amazing how much dental technology has grown, making it possible for patients to get the smiles they’ve always dreamed of so six month smilesmuch easier than ever before. If you want to fix your crooked smile but worry that you’ll be wearing braces for years or you fear that orthodontic treatment might be too invasive, then it’s time you asked your San Bernardino, CA dentist Dr. Sanjay Patel about whether Six Month Smiles is right for you.

What is Six Month Smiles?

Instead of wearing visible metal braces you’ll enjoy clear, more discreet braces and wires when you opt for Six Month Smiles. This orthodontic treatment uses the latest techniques to help move teeth safely and efficiently without other people noticing your braces right away.

How does it work?

These braces use low forces to move teeth quickly but still gently. Since this treatment boasts a much shorter length of treatment than other braces many patients worry that the process will mean tightening the braces to get teeth moving faster, but this is not the case!

Who is a good candidate for Six Month Smiles?

The best way to find out whether you are right for this treatment is to contact your San Bernardino general dentist for a consultation. Those patients over the age of 16 with crooked teeth, crowded teeth or gaps between teeth that are embarrassed by their smiles are often great candidates for this treatment. Since these braces fit into your lifestyle and are only worn for half a year you don’t have to worry about braces cramping your style for years.

If you are ready to find out if Six Month Smiles can treat your issues and finally give you your dream smile, then it’s time you called our San Bernardino dental office today to schedule a consultation. Turn to My Dentist for expert and compassionate dental care.


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