• June is National Smile Month: Show off your smile!
    The community health awareness group Oral Health America has reported that 82 percent of adults are unaware of the role that infectious bacteria can play in tooth decay or cavities, Read more
  • Dental X-rays and Your Child
    We’re parents, so we worry. It comes with the job description! That’s why we make sure our children use toothbrushes with soft bristles and apply just the right amount of Read more
  • Memorial Day: Parades, remembrance, and the unofficial start of summer!
    “The purpose of all war is peace.” - Saint Augustine Fire truck sirens, baton twirlers, marching bands covering patriotic tunes, colorful floats, costumes, and millions of red, white, and blue American Read more
  • How do I know if I need dentures?
    The choice to get dentures is a permanent decision so there are several important factors you should take into consideration. Many people have teeth that are not able to be Read more
  • The Best DH in Baseball
    Oh, wait—did you think we meant Designated Hitter? Oh, no, we’re not getting into that debate! What we want to talk about is the best Dental Habits you can practice Read more
  • I have sensitive teeth. What are my options?
    At Joshua C. Merrell, DDS, PLLC, we have patients coming in asking us why a taste of ice cream or a sip of coffee becomes a painful experience, or why Read more
  • Proper Brushing Techniques
    Brushing your teeth properly removes the food particles and bacteria that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. However, you do not want to scrub your teeth or gums Read more
  • Every Day is Earth Day
    During the early days of the environmental awareness movement, those who demonstrated against pollution, toxic chemicals, and the general public health were known as hippies. The early 1970s were a Read more
  • Fluorosis: What is it?
    Many people think dental fluorosis is a disease, but it’s not; it’s a condition that affects the appearance of your tooth’s enamel, not the function or health of the teeth. Read more
  • This April, Let’s Celebrate National Facial Protection Month!
    Poor April. While other months celebrate romance, or giving thanks, or costumes and candy, April has—April Fool’s Day and a tax deadline. We might be forgiven for thinking these two Read more
  • Dental X-Ray Safety
    It's easy to be skeptical about X-rays whether we speak of a full-body X-ray or a dental X-ray. Radiation is radiation. It's vital to know all the facts before judging Read more
  • Scheduling Dental Procedures When You’re Pregnant
    Pregnancy leads to so many changes in your body, so it’s no surprise that your teeth and gums are affected as well! Dental care is very important during these months, Read more
  • St. Patrick's Day
    On March 17, everyone has a little Irish in them. St. Patrick’s Day is a joyous celebration of Irish heritage. The holiday originated as a commemoration of Saint Patrick, who Read more
  • March is National Nutrition Month!
    While you don’t have to wait to start eating right, March is the month the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics asks everyone to pay special attention to what goes into Read more
  • What is gingivitis, and how can I treat it?
    Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease that results when bacteria in your mouth cause inflammation in your gums. This is a common condition, and you can treat it Read more
  • Best Ways to Prevent Bad Breath
    Nobody likes bad breath, and although it can sometimes be difficult to tell if you have it, it is always better to practice good oral health than risk having a Read more

Contact Us

Merrell Family Dentistry

713 Oakland St

Hendersonville, NC 28791-3647 US

(828) 692-1210