Bunion Relief and Treatment

So, one of our Columbus, OH, podiatrists just told you that you have a bunion. Now what? The good news is that if this problem was detected early on it can be managed through home care and simple lifestyle modifications. Our goal here at Clintonville Foot & Ankle Group is to manage your foot pain and to prevent the bunion from getting worse. Here’s what you can to treat your bunion,

Try an OTC Pain Reliever

If you are dealing with a bout of bunion pain then you may be looking for a simple, effective way to, at the very least, temporarily quell the pain. In this case, it won’t hurt to take a simple non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) such as ibuprofen. This type of medication won’t just alleviate pain but also reduce swelling. While you won’t want to take this medication every day or for any long period of time, it is a great way to provide relief when your bunions are really acting up.

Exercise Your Feet

Don’t ignore the importance of foot exercises for improving the health of your feet even with a bunion. Sure, it won’t get rid of a bunion, but exercises can keep your feet limber and strong to prevent the problem from getting worse. There are tons of exercises out there that are geared to those with bunions, but feel free to ask our Columbus, OH, foot doctors to show you different exercises that could help you.

Say Goodbye to Improper Footwear

One of the most important steps you can take to prevent your bunion from getting worse is to avoid any and all shoes that could agitate the problem and make it worse. This means getting rid of shoes with a pointed toe, shoes that bunch up your toes or put pressure on the bunion, shoes with a heel that’s higher than 2 inches, and any old, worn-out shoes. When it comes to shopping for new shoes, ask someone in the store to measure your feet to ensure that you get shoes that don’t just provide you with support and cushioning but also fit your feet perfectly from the start.

Have questions about bunion exercises to alleviate pain or want to know how to manage your bunion symptoms? If so, the team at Clintonville Foot & Ankle Group can provide you with the bunion care you need at their Columbus or Dublin, OH, office. Looking for a podiatrist? Then call us today. For North High Street in Columbus, phone (614) 267-8387. In Dublin, call (614) 761-1466, and on Briggs Road in Columbus, reach us at (614) 272-2313.