Find an End for Your Heel Pain

Heel pain can make even the simplest tasks, like walking a short distance, tedious. If you want your heel pain to end, then consider consulting your podiatrists in Dublin, and Columbus, OH, at Clintonville-Dublin Foot & Ankle Group.

Why You're Having Heel Pain

The largest bone in your foot is your heel. Several tendons and ligaments keep it in place. Therefore, problems with your heel bone or its supporting structures might be responsible for your heel pain.

Common conditions that cause heel pain include:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Fracture
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Bursitis

Treatment for Heel Pain

Because heel pain has several causes treatment varies according to your condition. After your podiatrist diagnoses the cause of your heel pain, they might begin treatment with conservative methods such as:

Padding and taping. Wearing shoe pads and taping your feet can reduce your discomfort and prevent further irritation of your heel.

Orthotic devices. Your podiatrist can make you custom orthotic devices that you can place in your shoes to reduce pressure on your heels

Splints. Night splints help stretch your plantar fascia while you sleep so that you can experience less discomfort during the day.

Injection therapy. Corticosteroid injections help to reduce pain and inflammation in your affected heel.

Removable walking cast. When you have the cast on, your heel can take the time off to rest.

Physical therapy. These exercises may also help you manage your condition.

There are other things that you can do to reduce your heel pain. These include:

  • Limiting physical activities that cause you pain
  • Taking over the counter pain medication
  • Switching to more comfortable footwear
  • Placing ice on the aching heel
  • Stretch exercises
  • Wearing shoes to reduce strain on your plantar fascia

When conservative therapies for your heel pain fail to provide desired results, your Dublin, and Columbus, OH, podiatrists might recommend surgery to end your pain.

Some foot conditions like plantar fasciitis require long-term care. Therefore even after treatment with your podiatrist, you still need to maintain your new foot habits such as wearing comfortable shoes and limiting painful physical activity.

If you want to end the heel pain interrupting your life, you can act now. Schedule your appointment with your podiatrists at Clintonville-Dublin Foot & Ankle Group by calling our Columbus, OH, offices at (614) 272-2313 or (614) 267-8387, or our Dublin location at (614) 761-1466.