Preventing and Treating Athlete's Foot

Athletes FootAthlete's foot is sometimes a relatively harmless foot condition that eventually goes away on its own with the use of an anti-fungal agent, but there are cases when the fungal infection will persist for weeks or even months. When it isn't controlled, the fungus can compromise the health of your foot by deteriorating your toenails, inflaming the skin, and causing foot odor. See how a persistent case of athlete's foot can be treated by a podiatrist at Clintonville/Dublin Foot & Ankle Group in Dublin and Columbus, OH.

What Is Athlete's Foot?
If you're constantly smelling a strong, pungent odor from your feet, socks, and shoes, there is a good chance that you may have a case of athlete's foot. It's caused by the overgrowth of harmful fungi that is often picked up in warm, moist environments like showers and pools. Athletes often get this condition because they sweat a lot in their sneakers and thick socks. People who work long hours on their feet wearing tight-fitting shoes, like high heels, may also have this problem.

Treating Athlete's Foot
Some athlete's foot cases are difficult to control and require consistent, aggressive courses of treatment. These are some of the options you'll discuss with your Dublin and Columbus, OH podiatrist:

- Skin samples to analyze the fungus so that the right treatment can be recommended.
- Topical anti-fungal medication (cream or spray).
- Prescription strength anti-fungal pills.

Preventing Athlete's Foot
Keep in mind that athlete's foot is contagious and can reoccur after treatment. It can also spread to other parts of the body when uncontrolled. After you beat athlete's foot and get your feet back to normal, take these preventative precautions:

- Always wear shoes (like flip-flops) in public showers and when walking poolside
- Change your socks frequently.
- Throw away old sneakers that may still contain traces of the fungi (you can tell by the smell).
- Don't share towels, socks, or shoes with others.

See Your Podiatrist
Some cases of athlete's foot are so persistent that it's best to consult a podiatrist. Call (614) 761-1466, (614) 267-8387, or (614) 272-2313 today to schedule an appointment at Clintonville Foot & Ankle Group in Dublin or Columbus, OH.