Seeking Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

If your plantar fasciitis is spiraling out of control, come to Clintonville Foot & Ankle Group in Columbus, OH, for compassionate, accurate treatment by our podiatrists. They understand how foot pain changes your life. As their patients testify, these foot doctors are the best in the business.

What is plantar fasciitis?

It's an inflammatory process impacting the wide band of connective tissue which extends across the arch of the foot. Called the plantar fascia, this structure may become overstretched each time the foot lands on the ground.

The characteristic sharp, burning pain is worse in the morning but may improve through the day, only to return the next time you work out or do your morning routine. Gait problems, such as overpronation, aggravate plantar fasciitis, as do congenitally high arches and overuse from standing or running.

How your podiatrist can help

Plantar fasciitis is very common. About ten percent of people between the ages of 40 and 60 experience it. The Washington Post says that's about two million Americans, and some have heel bone spurs along with the inflammation.

So, if you're experiencing symptoms, contact Clintonville Foot & Ankle Group in Columbus. Our podiatrist will examine your foot, go over your symptoms, check your shoes and gait and take X-ray imaging as necessary. You'll receive a treatment plan to manage your symptoms. Surgery is rarely necessary and pain diminishes when you:

  • Wear properly fitting shoes with good arch support.
  • Do calf stretching exercises, particularly in the morning.
  • Take over the counter ibuprofen for pain or receive cortisone injections as recommended by your podiatrist.
  • Use night splints or customized shoe inserts (orthotics) to support the arch and correct gait or foot structure issues.

The best in care

Receive it and feel better. Conquer plantar fasciitis and other chronic or acute conditions of the foot and ankle. Please contact Clintonville Foot & Ankle Group for a consultation with one of our podiatrists. We provide superior care in each of our three offices. For North High Street in Columbus, phone (614) 267-8387. In Dublin, call (614) 761-1466, and on Briggs Road in Columbus, reach us at (614) 272-2637.