Struggling with Ingrown Toenails?

Find out how to treat and even prevent ingrown toenails from happening to you.

Do you find yourself dealing with ingrown toenails regularly? While an ingrown toenail usually isn’t a serious problem it can be painful and ingrown-toenailmake wearing shoes aggravating. But there are certain measures that you can take to prevent an ingrown toenail. Find out how ingrown toenails happen and when to turn to our Columbus, OH, podiatrists for treatment.

Common Causes of Ingrown Toenails

In order to prevent an ingrown toenail from happening it is important to understand what might be causing it. While you can’t change genetics you can change the type of shoes you wear or how you trim your toenails. Ingrown toenails can be caused by,

  • Tight shoes: If your shoes are too tight or put too much pressure on the toenail then you are more likely to develop an ingrown toenail.
  • Poor nail trimming technique: If you like to trim your nails so they curve or if you trim them too short you may find yourself dealing with an ingrown toenail more often.
  • Trauma: If you stub your toe or drop something on a toenail you may find that an ingrown toenail will develop. This is a common issue for athletes.

Treating an Ingrown Toenail

If you are a healthy individual, most of the time you can treat the problem at home without having to turn to a podiatrist; however, if you notice swelling, pus or if the area is warm to the touch these are all signs of an infection and it’s important that you visit our foot doctor immediately.

If you aren’t experiencing signs of an infection then you may choose to treat the problem by,

  • Soaking feet in warm water with Epsom salts
  • Applying a bandage to the area to reduce pressure from shoes

If you aren’t sure how to handle the problem on your own or if you are worried that you may make the issue worse then you should also visit a podiatrist who can remove the infected part of the nail to promote faster healing.

Preventing an Ingrown Toenail

Based on the list of causes above you can probably assume what you should do to prevent an ingrown toenail from happening. This includes,

  • Trimming your nails straight across rather than at an angle
  • Avoiding trimming the nail too short (the nail should never be below the tips of the toes)
  • Wearing proper footwear when playing sports
  • Ensuring that your shoes and socks fit properly and aren’t too tight

Clintonville Foot & Ankle Group has offices in Columbus, Dublin and Clintonville, OH. If you are dealing with recurring ingrown toenails or if you have questions about the services we offer then call our office today to learn more.