What Do I Do if I Think I’m Getting a Bunion?

Bunions are a foot deformity in which there is an excess of bone at the base of the big toe on the side of the foot. Bunions can change the bone structure in your foot, and for some people, may cause pain and irritation. Bunions can occur in anyone, although they are more common in women. You may not be sure how to deal with a bunion when it starts developing, but there are ways to treat your pain and help minimize the issues caused by your bunions. Your podiatrists at Clintonville Foot & Ankle Group in Columbus and Dublin, OH, can explain what to do when you notice a bunion developing and how it can be treated.

Dealing with a Bunion

If you’ve noticed that you’re starting to develop a bunion, it’s not the end of the world. Bunions are a progressive disorder and can be treated at the very beginning so that they don’t worsen and cause more issues and pain. Bunions are usually caused by issues like flat feet or over-pronounced arches. Wearing ill-fitting shoes can also help speed up the progression of a bunion, so it’s important to wear shoes that are comfortable and that fit properly.

If you start noticing pain and soreness on the side of your foot, it’s important to talk to your podiatrists in Columbus and Dublin, OH, about the development of a bunion. They can start recommending lifestyle changes to slow down the progression of your bunion. You should be sure to change your footwear choices first. Padding can be placed over the bunion to stop rubbing and irritation from happening.

You may have to wear custom orthotic devices to help adjust the shape of your foot and to add padding to your feet and lessen any pain you may feel. If your bunion is already fairly severe and is conflicting with your ability to live comfortably, surgery may be a necessary option.

Contact Your Podiatrist Today!

Don’t hesitate to treat your bunion as soon as signs start appearing. Contact your podiatrists at Clintonville Foot & Ankle Group in Columbus and Dublin, OH, to learn more about what to do when you notice a bunion forming. Call for more information today at (614) 267-8387 for the office in Columbus, OH, and (614) 761-1466 for the office in Dublin, OH.