Phillip E. Darragh, DPM
Robert Anavian, DPM

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  • Ingrown Toenails

    What Is an Ingrown Toenail? When a toenail is ingrown, it is curved and grows into the skin, usually at the nail borders (the sides of the nail). This “digging in” of the nail irritates the skin, often creating pain, redness, swelling, and warmth in the toe.   If an ingrown nail causes a break

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  • Instructions for Using Crutches

    Sizing Crutches Even if you’ve already been fitted for crutches, make sure your crutch pads and handgrips are set at the proper distance, as follows: Crutch pad distance from armpits: The crutch pads (tops of crutches) should be 1½" to 2" (about two finger widths) below the armpits, with the

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  • Intermetatarsal Neuroma

    What Is a Neuroma?A neuroma is a thickening of nerve tissue that may develop in various parts of the body. The most common neuroma in the foot is a Morton’s neuroma, which occurs between the third and fourth toes. It is sometimes referred to as an intermetatarsal neuroma. “Intermetatarsal” describes

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  • Intoeing

    Intoeing (pigeon toes) is a condition in which the feet point inward when walking. It is commonly seen in children and may resolve in very early childhood with no treatment or intervention.  The child should be examined by a foot and ankle surgeon if the intoeing is causing significant tripping, difficulty

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  • Joint Pain in the Foot

    The foot contains 26 bones and more than 30 joints. Many people experience pain involving one or more of these joints. The pain may be accompanied by swelling, tenderness, stiffness, redness, bruising, and/or increased warmth over the affected joints. Joint pain may be caused by trauma, infection, inflammation,

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  • Joint Swelling in the Foot

    The foot contains 26 bones and more than 30 joints. The body’s natural response to any type of joint injury is to increase blood flow to the affected area. This results in an accumulation of fluid in the tissues in and around the joint, resulting in swelling. Depending on the cause of the injury, joint

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  • Jones Fracture

    What is a Fifth Metatarsal Fracture? Fractures (breaks) are common in the fifth metatarsal – the long bone on the outside of the foot that connects to the little toe. Two types of fractures that often occur in the fifth metatarsal are:   Avulsion fracture. In an avulsion fracture, a small

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  • Lacrosse Injuries to the Foot and Ankle

    The running and side to side cutting in lacrosse are common causes of injuries to the foot and ankle. Lacrosse players should be aware of the following risks:  Inversion ankle sprains can damage the ankle ligaments, and can also be associated with peroneal tendon injuries and fractures.  Ankle

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