Phillip E. Darragh, DPM
Robert Anavian, DPM

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  • Chronic Lateral Ankle Pain

    Chronic lateral ankle pain is a persistent discomfort that can significantly impede daily activities and quality of life. Understanding the complexities of this condition, including its causes, symptoms, and available treatment options, is paramount for those seeking relief. In this detailed guide, we

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  • Claw Toe

    Claw toe, a condition that affects the toes, can significantly impact an individual's mobility and quality of life. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of claw toe, exploring its causes, symptoms, and various treatment options. From understanding the anatomy of the toes to offering

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  • Clubfoot

    Clubfoot is a congenital condition that affects the positioning and alignment of a newborn's foot or feet. This condition, also known as congenital talipes equinovarus, is characterized by an inward and downward rotation of the foot, making it appear as though the foot is turned inwards at the ankle.

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  • Common Fungal Problems

    Common toe fungal problems can be a persistent source of discomfort and embarrassment. This in-depth guide unravels the mysteries of fungal infections affecting the toes. From understanding the various types of toe fungal problems to exploring effective treatment strategies, this article aims to equip

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  • Computed Tomography

    In modern medical imaging, Computed Tomography, commonly known as CT, stands as a technological marvel revolutionizing diagnostic capabilities. From its inception to the latest advancements, we delve into the fascinating world of CT, shedding light on its utility, safety, and the wealth of information

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  • Corns and Calluses

    Our feet, the unsung heroes of daily life, are often subjected to various pressures and stresses. Corns and calluses, though common, can turn this daily reliance into a painful experience. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of corns and calluses—exploring their

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  • Cracked Heels

    Our feet, the foundation of our mobility, often bear the brunt of daily activities. Cracked heels, a common and often underestimated foot condition, can turn every step into a painful ordeal. This detailed guide will explore the causes, symptoms, and practical strategies for managing and preventing cracked

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  • Cryotherapy

    In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, innovative therapies are reshaping how we approach various medical conditions. Cryotherapy, once primarily associated with sports recovery, is making significant strides in podiatry. This groundbreaking approach utilizes extreme cold to address foot-related

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