Teaching your Children Proper Dental Care

Lots of parents have a difficult time gauging their kids’ dental care needs, and this is especially true for parents of younger children. They’re aware that they should prevent cavities and other dental problems, however, they’re not always sure of how they can effectively do so. Besides routine visits with one of our family dentists, Dr. Jan Katzen, Dr. Lisa Patel, or Dr. So Jung here at Finksburg Dental Associates in Finksburg, MD, here are some top tips that you can try to teach your kids proper dental habits.

Show The Kids How It’s Done

The most effective way to teach kids is by setting an example, so at an early age, you should let your kids see you brushing and flossing your teeth. You could even let them help you with brushing or make them pretend to brush their toys’ teeth. In addition, you can scour the Internet for videos of kids or cartoon characters brushing their teeth.

Make Dental Care Fun and High Tech

Kids love having fun and all kinds of high tech stuff, so why not leverage all of that? Yes, we’re talking about the electric toothbrush. This very handy tool will help make brushing fun, easy, fast, and more efficient. Other things to consider include using water flossers instead of standard dental floss, playing games while brushing, or adding a cute faucet fountain to the tap to help make rinsing more enjoyable. For older children, you could also teach them to set an alarm that will go off when it’s time to brush their teeth and a timer set to beep every 30 seconds letting know that it’s time to brush the next portion of their mouth.

Make Sure That They Clean Their Mouth Gently But Thoroughly

Ensure that your kids know that brushing harder will do more harm than good. Teach them the right amount of pressure and to gently brush in circular motions on all chewing surfaces and along their gum line. Follow up with flossing even if they don’t really need to yet so they can become accustomed to the sensation as early as possible.

Go to The Dentist As Early As Possible

Familiarize your children with your family dentists' office in Finksburg, MD, so that they’ll become accustomed to going there every six months for cleaning and checkups. Explain to them why you are there and what’s going to happen so they don’t become blindsided and feel scared in the office.

Concerned About Your Children’s Dental Health? Give Us a Call.

Reach out to us here at Finksburg Dental Associates in Finksburg, MD, to arrange your appointment with one of our family dentists Dr. Jan Katzen, Dr. Lisa Patel, or Dr. So Jung. Dial (410) 861-8900 for more information.

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Finksberg, MD Dentist Finksburg Dental Associates 2029 Suffolk Rd. Suite A, Finksburg, MD 21048 410-861-8900
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