Common Skin Conditions in Adults: Understanding Causes and Treatments

Common Skin Conditions in Adults: Understanding Causes and Treatments

Concerned about skin issues? Dr. Patricia McCormack of Staten Island, NY, and Linden and Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, provide personalized and effective adult dermatology care to build your confidence.

Common Skin Conditions in Adults

We often hope that embarrassing skin issues will disappear once we get through puberty, but unfortunately, this doesn’t typically happen. Many adults suffer from skin conditions that leave them irritated or feeling insecure about themselves. Dr. McCormack and her team in Staten Island, NY, and Linden and Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, share some of the most common skin conditions that adult dermatology can help with.


Acne is most commonly associated with the hormonal fluctuations of the teen years, but adults deal with it regularly too. It can be caused by anything from hormones to poor skin hygiene. It can typically be treated through topical medication, antibiotics, changes in diet, or techniques such as light therapy.


Eczema is a condition that is typically caused by an overactive response of the immune system and a breakdown in the skin’s barrier. It leads to dry, itchy skin, blistering, and more. Depending on your triggers and other factors, treatment may include antihistamines, light therapy, topical medication, steroids, and avoiding triggers.

Dry Skin

Dry skin isn’t just caused by eczema. It can be caused by a lack of proper skin care, environmental factors, weather, and more. Adding or increasing your daily moisturizer use can be helpful, but your dermatologist can help determine the underlying cause and nip it in the bud.


Psoriasis is a condition in which skin cells are produced faster than the skin cycle is supposed to occur. This leads to a build-up of skin, usually on the knees, scalp, and elbow. Your dermatologist can provide topical medication, oral medications, and light therapy to help.


Rosacea is characterized by facial redness, which is often accompanied by burning and skin sores. The cause is not known, but antibiotics, learning and avoiding triggers, and laser surgery can prove beneficial.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer can occur at any age, but it is more common in adults. The good news is that, when caught early enough, it can be successfully treated through mole removal, surgery, chemotherapy, and more.

If you’re living with an irritating or embarrassing skin condition, let Dr. McCormack and her adult dermatology team of Staten Island, NY, and Linden and Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, help you find the most effective treatment. Schedule an appointment at our Staten Island, NY, office at (718) 698-1616, our Linden, NJ, office at (908) 925-8877, or our Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, office at (732) 295-1331.

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