Memory Loss

Memory Loss in Sandy Springs, GA

What Causes Memory Loss?

Memory loss can happen over time as part of the normal aging process. Genetic factors and neurological conditions such as dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease can also lead to memory loss. A sudden loss of memory can be due to a traumatic brain injury, meningitis, or a stroke. Some medications can also lead to memory loss.

How To Know If You Are Experiencing Memory Loss

You may be experiencing memory loss if you are frequently:

  • Forgetting or losing items
  • Unable to complete tasks that have several steps
  • Getting lost while traveling to a familiar destination
  • Unable to perform daily tasks like paying bills, cleaning, or cooking

When You Should Visit a Neurologist for Memory Loss

Memory loss can be frightening, so if you are experiencing any of the signs of memory loss listed above, you should visit a neurologist as soon as possible. Early detection of memory loss and memory loss treatment are critical to preserving your memory.

How Memory Loss is Diagnosed

Memory loss treatment begins with a thorough examination and evaluation. Your neurologist will record your signs and symptoms, medications, recent illnesses and hospitalizations, and whether you have a family history of memory problems. Neurological imaging may be indicated and can include an MRI, CT scan, or a PET scan. Cognitive and neurological testing is also a vital part of the examination. Your neurologist may also order laboratory testing to check for an underlying medical condition which may be causing your memory loss.

How Your Neurologist Can Treat Memory Loss

Depending on the cause and severity of memory loss, your neurologist may recommend medications to prevent the progression of memory loss and improve memory. Cognitive exercises may also be recommended to enhance focus and concentration. Dietary and lifestyle modifications may also be a part of the treatment plan.

What You Can Do To Help Prevent Memory Loss

There are several steps you can take to help preserve your memory over time. You should:

  • Stay physically active to boost blood flow to your brain
  • Stay mentally active to maintain focus, concentration, and reasoning capability
  • Interact with others to prevent stress and depression
  • Stay organized and make lists of things to do
  • Get enough sleep to help maintain memory
  • Eat a healthy diet, full of nutrients
  • Manage chronic health conditions

Want To Know More About Memory Loss?

To learn more about the causes and treatment of memory loss, call neurologist Dr. Gerald Silverboard in Atlanta, GA. You can reach him in the office by calling (404) 255-2670, so call today.

Office Hours


8:30 am-4:00 pm


8:30 am-4:00 pm


8:30 am-4:00 pm


8:30 am-4:00 pm


8:30 am-12:00 pm



