Dietary/Nutrition Guidance

When providing dietary and nutrition guidance to parents, it is essential that your pediatrician in Tucson, AZ, take into account your child's individualized needs. Dr. Jeff Couchman, Dr. Susan McMahon, and Dr. Nicole Abdy of Mesquite Pediatrics will consult with you to provide dietary and nutritional guidance so that you can raise a strong and healthy child.

The Primary Objective of Nutrition and Dietary Plans

A primary objective is to limit excess calories and calories from discretionary foods. Therefore, dietary plans should promote the consumption of nutrient-dense foods within the recommended calorie range. In addition, registered dietitians can work with pediatricians to help achieve this goal.

There is a broad spectrum of nutrient requirements for children of all ages. For example, infants and young children require fewer calories than adolescents. This can be achieved through the use of a balanced diet.

However, healthy eating is more important in adolescence for preventing several diseases. Moreover, it is a good foundation for dietary habits in the future, as our Tucson, AZ, pediatrician team will explain during your appointment.

Dairy Protein on Growth and Weight-accelerating Effect

The milk protein system contains two main components. The first is casein. This protein is generally extracted from skimmed milk. It's an essential component in many milk-based products. A related protein is whey, the yellow-green liquid byproduct after the extraction.

Whey is also an excellent source of branched amino acids. While the jury is still out on whether whey is an all-in-one superfood, it's no doubt that it's an excellent source of essential proteins compared to soy. Several commercial food product applications have seized on this fact.

A whey supplement can boost your energy levels and increase your immune system. In addition, studies have shown that consuming foods rich in protein is the best way to promote your overall wellness. 

 During times of stress or growth, high-quality proteins are imperative.

Call Mesquite Pediatrics at (520) 648-5437 to schedule your child's appointment with our Tucson, AZ, pediatrician team of Dr. Couchman, Dr. McMahon, and Dr. Abdy. 

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