Expecting Parents

Having a baby is a very exciting and rewarding experience. Choosing the right pediatrician who will care for your child is an important decision. Children First Pediatrics is dedicated to providing exceptional pediatric care to our patients with a personal and compassionate approach.

Although it is not required, we encourage expectant parents to schedule a prenatal visit with one of our board certified pediatricians. This visit allows you to become acquainted with us, ask questions about the care of your baby, tour our office and learn about our healthcare philosophy.  There is no fee for the visit.

Office Visit Schedule

Children First Pediatrics follows the routine office visit schedule as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The office schedule for well child visits is as follows:

5 days
2 to 3 weeks
2 months
4 months
6 months
9 months
12 months
15 months
18 months
24 months
30 months
3 years and then annually

Affiliated Hospitals
Our pediatricians are credentialed to see newborns at both Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Center and at BryanLGH Medical Center. Special arrangements can be made for newborns being delivered at other area hospitals.