What To Expect During a Laser Treatment Session for Fungal Nails

A fungal nail infection is a relatively common condition that can affect one or more nails at a time. Often it starts as a white or yellow spot under the nail, causing the nail to discolor, thicken, and crumble at the edge. If left untreated, fungal nail infections can spread deeper into the nail and can lead to the nail completely detaching. While it can affect both fingernails and toenails, it's usually more common in toenails due to the warm and moist environment inside shoes. If you suspect you might need laser treatment for fungal nails in Wilmette, IL, book an appointment with Dr. Gary Rogers at Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic.

What To Expect Before

Prior to treatment, your doctor might recommend that you trim and clean your nails, and wear clean, breathable socks and shoes to the appointment. When you arrive, your doctor will explain each step of the process and ensure you're comfortable.

During The Treatment

A laser device will be positioned over the infected nail before the doctor or technician activates the laser. This emits light energy that penetrates the nail and kills the fungal cells without harming the surrounding skin. You might feel a warm sensation or a slight pinprick as this is happening, but it's generally well-tolerated. Any discomfort you feel should be fairly minimal and brief. Each nail may take 5–10 minutes. For more information on laser treatment for fungal nails in Wilmette, IL, get in touch with Dr. Rogers and the team at Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic.


Laser treatment for fungal nails is both effective and convenient. After your laser treatment, you should notice new and healthy nail growth gradually replacing the damaged nail - though this can take several months, as toenails grow slowly. 

You should see improvement after just a few sessions, and unlike oral medications, there are no systemic side effects, making it generally a safer option for many people.

Book An Appointment

Don't let your fungal nail infection get out of hand. To book your laser treatment for fungal nails in Wilmette, IL, book an appointment with Dr. Rogers at Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic by calling (847) 256-4434 today.

A fungal nail infection is a relatively common condition that can affect one or more nails at a time. Often it starts as a white or yellow spot under the nail, causing the nail to discolor, thicken, and crumble at the edge. If left untreated, fungal nail infections can spread deeper into the nail and can lead to the nail completely detaching. While it can affect both fingernails and toenails, it's usually more common in toenails due to the warm and moist environment inside shoes. If you suspect you might need laser treatment for fungal nails in Wilmette, IL, book an appointment with Dr. Gary Rogers at Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic.

What To Expect Before

Prior to treatment, your doctor might recommend that you trim and clean your nails, and wear clean, breathable socks and shoes to the appointment. When you arrive, your doctor will explain each step of the process and ensure you're comfortable.

During The Treatment

A laser device will be positioned over the infected nail before the doctor or technician activates the laser. This emits light energy that penetrates the nail and kills the fungal cells without harming the surrounding skin. You might feel a warm sensation or a slight pinprick as this is happening, but it's generally well-tolerated. Any discomfort you feel should be fairly minimal and brief. Each nail may take 5–10 minutes. For more information on laser treatment for fungal nails in Wilmette, IL, get in touch with Dr. Rogers and the team at Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic.


Laser treatment for fungal nails is both effective and convenient. After your laser treatment, you should notice new and healthy nail growth gradually replacing the damaged nail - though this can take several months, as toenails grow slowly. 

You should see improvement after just a few sessions, and unlike oral medications, there are no systemic side effects, making it generally a safer option for many people.

Book An Appointment

Don't let your fungal nail infection get out of hand. To book your laser treatment for fungal nails in Wilmette, IL, book an appointment with Dr. Rogers at Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic by calling (847) 256-4434 today.

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