Regarding the Coronavirus and COVID-19:

Patients with scheduled appointments will be called, texted or emailed several days before their appointment. You will be asked about your health and if you exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19. If any, you will be asked to postpone your appointment until you are symptom-free and cleared by your physician.


On the day of your scheduled appointment, please come alone. If this is not possible, caretakers will be highly encouraged to remain in their car. If a caretaker must come in, they must be screened. If either person is deemed high risk for COVID-19, the appointment must be canceled until both patient and caretaker are symptom-free and cleared by a physician.


The current guidelines require that, once you arrive at our office, you will call us from your car to check in. This is important because our door will be locked to control the flow of patients. Once we are ready to see you, we will call or text to alert you. You will be met at the door by your dental hygienist or assistant. Please wear your mask. Upon entering, you will be asked to hand sanitize and again be asked questions about any symptoms, then your temperature and blood oxygenation will be checked.  You will bypass our front desk in an effort to minimize time in common areas and congregating with other people. You will be escorted to the treatment area for your appointment. This will look different due to the amount of protective clothing and gear that are required to be worn. There will also be barriers and equipment to filter and purify the air. You will be asked to rinse with an antibacterial/antiviral mouth rinse. Upon completion of your appointment, your hygienist or assistant will complete the checkout process as much as possible and you will be escorted back to your car. Payment will be taken prior to your appointment if possible. If not possible, a brief stop at the front desk  will be needed to finalize payment. 


We all need to do our part. We have all seen and heard of those who do not take this pandemic seriously and become super spreaders. Please do not endanger your life or the lives of family or friends.  PLEASE DO NOT LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!  Continue to maintain safe distances. Continue to minimize all unnecessary travel and interaction with others. Continue to protect yourself with a mask and pay attention to hand hygiene and face awareness. It is only with everybody’s help that we can stay safe and healthy. 

God bless you all!


Scott Pirochta, DDS


Co-Vid Policies and Updates