Top Ten Reasons You all Love Our Office

  1. We take the time to establish rapport with every patient.

  2. We exceed the continuing education requirements in order to best serve you.
  3. We are compassionate and sincerely want to help you, not judge you.
  4. We see to your comfort during procedures with: headphones, movies & Netflix, blankets & pillows, lip balm, and sedation with nitrous & premedication, etc.
  5. We make sure you know why you are having a procedure done and what the procedure entails.
  6. We never take shortcuts to please your insurance company. We let you decide what is best for you.
  7. We keep things clean. Our sterilization and infection control complies with, and surpasses, guidelines.
  8. We value your time, and we try to let you know if we are running late before you come to your appointment.
  9. We are ethical. We will never recommend treatment just because you have available insurance money.
  10. We strive for quality and precision in our work. We plan your treatment carefully, involving you in treatment decisions. We ensure that you are satisfied with your treatment.