  • Plaque

    Plaque is a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums after eating foods that produce acids. These foods may include carbohydrates (starches and sugars), such as candy and cookies, and starchy foods such as bread, crackers, and cereal. Tooth decay, commonly known as cavities, occurs when

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  • Plaque

    Plaque is a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums after eating foods that produce acids. These foods may include carbohydrates (starches and sugars), such as candy and cookies, and starchy foods such as bread, crackers, and cereal. Tooth decay, commonly known as cavities, occurs when

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  • Plaque

    Plaque is a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums after eating foods that produce acids. These foods may include carbohydrates (starches and sugars), such as candy and cookies, and starchy foods such as bread, crackers, and cereal. Tooth decay, commonly known as cavities, occurs when

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  • Plaque

    Plaque is a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums after eating foods that produce acids. These foods may include carbohydrates (starches and sugars), such as candy and cookies, and starchy foods such as bread, crackers, and cereal. Tooth decay, commonly known as cavities, occurs when

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  • Plaque

    Plaque is a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums after eating foods that produce acids. These foods may include carbohydrates (starches and sugars), such as candy and cookies, and starchy foods such as bread, crackers, and cereal. Tooth decay, commonly known as cavities, occurs when

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  • Plaque

    Plaque is a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums after eating foods that produce acids. These foods may include carbohydrates (starches and sugars), such as candy and cookies, and starchy foods such as bread, crackers, and cereal. Tooth decay, commonly known as cavities, occurs when

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  • Plaque

    Plaque is a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums after eating foods that produce acids. These foods may include carbohydrates (starches and sugars), such as candy and cookies, and starchy foods such as bread, crackers, and cereal. Tooth decay, commonly known as cavities, occurs when

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  • Plaque

    Plaque is a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums after eating foods that produce acids. These foods may include carbohydrates (starches and sugars), such as candy and cookies, and starchy foods such as bread, crackers, and cereal. Tooth decay, commonly known as cavities, occurs when

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  • Plaque

    Plaque is a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums after eating foods that produce acids. These foods may include carbohydrates (starches and sugars), such as candy and cookies, and starchy foods such as bread, crackers, and cereal. Tooth decay leads to cavities and occurs when plaque remains

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  • Plaque

    Plaque is a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums after eating foods that produce acids. These foods may include carbohydrates (starches and sugars), such as candy and cookies, and starchy foods such as bread, crackers, and cereal. Tooth decay leads to cavities and occurs when plaque

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  • Pocket Reduction (flap surgery)

    Your bone and gum tissue should fit snugly around your teeth like a turtleneck. When you have periodontal disease, this supporting tissue and bone is destroyed, forming "pockets" around the teeth. Over time, these pockets become deeper, providing a larger space for bacteria to thrive and wreak havoc. As

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  • Pola Whitening for Life

    Pola's Advanced Tooth Whitening System works quickly to give you a whiter, brighter smile. With a variety of choices, you can decide to whiten your teeth in the office, during the day, at night, with custom fitted trays from your dental professional, or with a simple paint-on system to rev up already

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  • Porcelain Veneers Post Op

    Do not eat for at least 2 hours or until the anesthesia has worn off. Temporary: Temporaries are acrylic or composite veneers that are placed on the prepared teeth for protection during the time the porcelain veneers are constructed in the lab. A temporary serves several important purposes: it protects

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  • Post Op Care of Extractions

    Post Op Care of Extractions The treatment of extractions can be quite a painful experience for your child if not handled properly. The following information is to help you learn how to improve your child's recovery. Bleeding Once the extractions are done, the bleeding will gradually decrease. The

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  • Preventing Cavities

    Saliva is your body's best mechanism for fighting the destructive forces of acids formed by plaque. Saliva acts as a buffer and re-mineralizing agent. Sugarless gum is one way to stimulate the flow of saliva in your mouth in between brushings. The best way to prevent cavities, however, is to brush and

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  • Prevention Tips for Children

    Infants Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child's first birthday. By this time, the baby's first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning to erupt and it is a critical time to spot any problems before they become big concerns. Conditions like

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  • Prevention Tips for Children

    Infants Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child's first birthday. By this time, the baby's first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning to erupt and it is a critical time to spot any problems before they become big concerns. Conditions like

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  • Prevention Tips for Children

    Infants Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child's first birthday. By this time, the baby's first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning to erupt and it is a critical time to spot any problems before they become big concerns. Conditions like

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  • Prevention Tips for Children

    Infants Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child's first birthday. By this time, the baby's first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning to erupt and it is a critical time to spot any problems before they become big concerns. Conditions like

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  • Prevention Tips for Children

    Infants Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child's first birthday. By this time, the baby's first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning to erupt and it is a critical time to spot any problems before they become big concerns. Conditions like

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  • Prevention Tips for Children

    Infants Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child's first birthday. By this time, the baby's first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning to erupt and it is a critical time to spot any problems before they become big concerns. Conditions like

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  • Prevention Tips for Children

    Infants Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child's first birthday. By this time, the baby's first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning to erupt and it is a critical time to spot any problems before they become big concerns. Conditions like

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  • Prevention Tips for Children

    Infants Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child's first birthday. By this time, the baby's first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning to erupt and it is a critical time to spot any problems before they become big concerns. Conditions like

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  • Prevention Tips for Children

    Infants Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child's first birthday. By this time, the baby's first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning to erupt and it is a critical time to spot any problems before they become big concerns. Conditions like

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  • Prevention Tips for Children

    Infants Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child's first birthday. By this time, the baby's first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning to erupt and it is a critical time to spot any problems before they become big concerns. Conditions like

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  • Prevention Tips for Children

    Infants Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child's first birthday. By this time, the baby's first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning to erupt and it is a critical time to spot any problems before they become big concerns. Conditions like

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  • Primary Teeth

    Teeth are a wonderfully complex part of the human body. It is easy for most of us to overlook all of the ways that our teeth have an impact upon our daily lives from birth to old age - from affecting the overall look of our face and enjoying foods, to the important role they play in helping to prevent

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  • Problems w/ braces/retainers

    If a wire is causing irritation, cover the end with a small cotton ball, beeswax or a piece of gauze until you can get to the dentist. If a wire gets stuck in the cheek, tongue or gum tissue, do not attempt to remove it. Contact your dentist immediately. If an appliance becomes loose or a piece of it

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  • Problems with Braces and Retainers

    If a wire is causing irritation, cover the end with a small cotton ball, beeswax or a piece of gauze until you can get to the dentist. If a wire gets stuck in the cheek, tongue or gum tissue, do not attempt to remove it. Contact our office. If an appliance becomes loose or a piece of it breaks off, collect

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  • Pulpotomy

    Pulpotomy (Child Root Canal) The build up of decay can reach the nerve/pulp of the baby tooth and cause pain. In order to relieve the pain, we need to remove the nerve from the nerve chamber of the particular tooth. This is similar to an adult root canal but does not take as long since only the pulp

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  • Regeneration

    Periodontal disease causes the supporting tissue and bone around and below your teeth to become destroyed; over time, deep pockets develop and are breeding grounds for infection and decay. Eventually, if too much bone is lost, the teeth will need to be extracted. A regenerative procedure may be called

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  • Rembrandt Whitening

    Rembrandt® One Hour Whitening Ask us how your teeth can be 10 shades whiter in one hour! Restore your smile to its natural luster. Rembrandt Lightening Gel can whiten teeth an average of 10 shades in one hour. It is safe and formulated to prevent sensitivity. Discoloration can spoil an otherwise

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  • Replacement of Lost Gum Tissue

    Replacing lost gum tissue can restore the natural contour of your smile. Gum tissue can change or even shrink. There are many reasons for this, including receding gums (from gingivitis or periodontal disease), and loss of one or more teeth (which causes tooth-less gum tissue to shrink). Gum tissue can

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  • Retainers

    Retainers There are certain tips to follow for wearing, and properly taking care of, your retainers. Your retainers should be in one of two places at all times; either in your mouth or in their case. Take your retainers off while eating. Maintain good oral hygiene with regular brushing

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  • Ridge Augmentation

    If you lose one or more permanent teeth, an indentation may result in the gums and jawbone where the tooth used to be. When no longer holding a tooth in place, the jawbone recedes and the resulting indentation looks unnatural. Ridge augmentation is a procedure that can recapture the natural contour of

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