Viewing 145 - 160 out of 211 posts


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Courting Disaster

When we think of sports and dental damage, we naturally think of hockey and football. But when it comes to the actual number of dental injuries suffered each year, vying Read More

Which whitening is right for you?

Many of our patients at Kenneth Krause, DMD have been asking us about brightening their teeth lately, and today we thought we would discuss the options available to you to Read More

What's on your fall reading list?

How better to spend the fall months than inside by the fireplace with a warm cup of cider and a book in hand? the doctor and our team at Kenneth Read More

Smoking and Dental Implants

Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to replace a missing tooth with an implant. While an implant will restore the appearance of your smile, you also know that there are many Read More

What’s in Your Backpack?

Hiking is a great way to appreciate the beauty of nature, to get away from the stresses of daily life, and, of course, to challenge yourself physically. While you’re packing Read More

Why do wisdom teeth need to be removed?

Sometime around the late teens or early twenties, people’s wisdom teeth start to erupt. These are the third and final set of molars. When wisdom teeth come in properly — Read More

What was your favorite part of summer?

It's the end of summer, and fall is just around the corner. Soon the temperatures will cool down, the leaves will start to change, and the doctor and our team Read More

Celebrate Labor Day by Getting Away

Labor Day honors the contributions that workers have made to this country, and for many Americans, the holiday is a great time to relax at home with family and friends. Read More

Ways to Prevent Oral Cancer

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, this form of cancer kills roughly one person an hour, every 24 hours. This means that nearly 10,000 people will die this year from Read More

Tooth Worms? The History of Cavities and Tooth Fillings

Scientists have discovered tooth decay in specimens that are more than 15,000 years old. The ancients once thought that cavities were caused by something called “tooth worms” … Eew! They Read More

Keeping Your Teeth Strong and Healthy

What is the strongest part of our bodies? Do you think it might be our bones, which help us move and protect our brains, hearts and other organs? Or could Read More

Hot Day? Three Drinks to Leave Home When You’re Packing the Cooler

Whew! It’s a hot one! And whenever the temperature soars, you need to stay hydrated, especially when you’re outside or exercising. But all cold drinks aren’t equal when it comes Read More

How can I protect my child's teeth during sports?

Sports are great for children for a variety of reasons. Children can develop their motor skills, learn how to solve conflicts and work together, and develop their work ethics. As Read More

Diet Soda vs. Regular Soda: Which is better for teeth?

When most patients ask the doctor this question, they're thinking strictly about sugar content — cut out the bacteria-feeding sugar that's present in regular soda by opting for a diet Read More

How Dental Crowns Can Help Your Smile

Does your smile have a few imperfections? Dental crowns from your Westfield, IN, dentists have many restorative and cosmetic benefits. Dr. Kenneth Krause and Dr. Katie Krause of Krause Dental Read More

DIY Teeth Whitening

We all want our best and brightest smiles, and today there are many options we can explore at home to make those beautiful smiles a reality. Whether it’s healthy habits, Read More

Viewing 145 - 160 out of 211 posts


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