• Avoid Brushing After Every Single Meal!
    Here is some surprising yet worthwhile advice you might be hearing for the first time: Brushing after a meal can be incredibly bad for your teeth if you do it Read more
  • Happy Holidays! Healthy Holidays!
    It’s the holiday season! With so much to do and so much going on, you want to be at your best. We have some ideas to help make your season Read more
  • Why Visiting the Emergency Room for Your Dental Problem isn’t a Good Idea
    Emergency rooms are for emergencies, so before you head to the hospital because of a dental problem, you need to ask yourself this question: Is what you're experiencing really a Read more
  • Thanksgiving Trivia
    At Franklin Lackee D.D.S. we love learning trivia and interesting facts about Thanksgiving! This year, the doctor wanted to share some trivia that might help you feel a bit smarter Read more
  • Foods can Wreak Havoc on Your Enamel
    It’s possible to develop tooth decay even when you take great care of your teeth. Brushing and flossing may not be enough to keep your teeth healthy, depending on your Read more
  • Getting Ready for Winter
    Winter Is Coming. Okay, that sounded a lot more dramatic in a popular fantasy series. But here in the real world, winter is coming as well, so let’s look at some Read more
  • Intraoral Cameras
    It seems today’s technology has made every moment a camera-ready opportunity. (Just check your friends and their latest selfies.) What you may not expect is the opportunity to see a Read more
  • Good Oral Health Habits When You’re Pregnant
    the doctor and our team at Franklin Lackee D.D.S. will tell you that good oral health habits when you are pregnant are very important. A plaque or infectious buildup can Read more
  • Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
    When your wisdom teeth start to emerge it can definitely be painful, but it can be even worse if your wisdom teeth become impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth are trying to Read more
  • My child has autism. What should we expect at your office?
    At Franklin Lackee D.D.S., we know that as many as one in 88 children today have some form of autism, a complex brain disorder that affects a child's ability to Read more
  • Year-End Insurance Reminder
    the doctor, as well as our team at Franklin Lackee D.D.S., would like to give those patients with flex spend, health savings, or insurance benefits a friendly end of the Read more
  • Are baby teeth really that important?
    Your infant’s first teeth will begin to appear around six to 12 months of age. You might wonder how important these primary teeth really are. After all, baby teeth are Read more
  • Adult Mouthguards
    You make sure your daughter wears her mouthguard to every soccer practice. Your son doesn’t step on the basketball court without his. Why not protect your smile as well? Athletes of Read more
  • What causes tooth loss?
    When children lose baby teeth, it’s a time to rejoice. But when adults suffer from tooth loss, it may be a sign of a serious problem. That’s when it’s time Read more
  • Summer Smiles
    The “Back to School” ads are out already? Halloween candy’s showing up in stores? Just a minute—summer isn’t quite over yet! While the days are still warm, let’s look at Read more
  • Happy Labor Day!
    Labor Day is upon us, and that means the non-official end to summer. Before the kids head back to school and temperatures start to cool down, this is your last Read more

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