
  • Close the Gaps In Your Smile
    Some people have small gaps between their teeth, and the result is nothing more than a cosmetic problem. However, gaps which result from tooth extraction cause bone loss, serious appearance Read more
  • Early Signs of Oral Cancer
    Cancer awareness is a big part of our culture these days, and knowing its signs and symptoms can help save your life. Oral cancer, however, can be difficult to detect Read more
  • Straighten Your Smile Discreetly
    You've decided. You are going to pursue a straight smile through one of today's most innovative and discreet orthodontic systems: Invisalign clear aligners. Dr. Jeffrey Pike, The Scarsdale Dentist, offers Invisalign to Read more
  • The Effects of Unhealthy Eating on Your Teeth
    Some of your favorite little guilty pleasures could be doing a number on your oral health. We all know how difficult it can be to say no to that delicious piece Read more
  • The Advantages of Veneers
    You know your smile could use a little enhancement. You have a chipped front tooth and a few small, but unsightly, gaps between some bottom teeth. Thankfully, the teeth are Read more
  • Fill Gaps in Your Smile with Dental Implants
    If you need to replace your missing teeth, find out if dental implants are the best option. Besides the frustration and anxiety surrounding losing a permanent tooth, now you are dealing Read more
  • What Should YOU Do in a Dental Emergency?
    What Should YOU Do in a Dental Emergency?  Dental emergencies can be extremely painful and even worse, frightening. Often people are unsure whether or not it actually IS an emergency. Rule Read more
  • Do You Have Bad Breath
    Do You Have Bad Breath? Find Out What You Can do to Help! There is not enough minty-fresh gum in the world to mask the unfortunate aroma of halitosis. Most people Read more
  • What to Expect From Your Child's First Dental Visit
    What to Expect From Your Child's First Dental Visit Most children have all of their baby teeth by the age of three, which makes toddlerhood the time when you should be Read more
  • Dental Implants Facts
    7 Facts About Dental Implants We know what dental implants are- they are titanium screws that are inserted into the jaw to replace teeth roots that have been damaged or Read more
  • Why are my Gums Bleeding and Other Questions to Ask Us
    “Why are my Gums Bleeding?” and Other Questions to Ask Us As a general dentist to Scarsdale, Westchest, East Chester, and all the surrounding area, we get a lot of people Read more
  • 5 Reasons Flossing is More Important Than You Believe
    5 Reasons Flossing is More Important Than You Believe Chances are that when you visit us for a checkup you are sure to hear the question: “Have you been flossing regularly?” Read more
  • Causes of Mouth Sores Final
    Causes of Mouth Sores, Cold Sores, and Canker Sores Mouth sores are not fun. They can be painful and unsightly. There are many different kinds of mouth sores that can be Read more
  • The Science Behind Dental Implants
    The Science Behind Dental Implants Dental implants have become the most desired replacement for lost teeth. While fake teeth and implants are not new, they are better and more effective than Read more
  • How Cosmetic Dental Can Help Your Career
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  • ScarsdaleDentist - How Veneers Can Change Your Smile
    How Veneers Can Change Your Smile Too many people are hesitant to share their wonderful smile with others, for fear that their teeth are too discolored, too crooked, to gapped, or Read more

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