Our Services

TLC Pediatrics, LLC offers a full array of services to help your child maintain great health. You can read more on this page about our specific services!


Looking for a pediatrician for your unborn child in Norwalk? Make an appointment for a “meet and greet” with one of our pediatricians. This is a great opportunity for you to learn about our Medical Home, and receive a Welcoming Packet with Well Child and Immunizations Schedules, a list of community resources, and learn about or policies and philosophies.


We follow the AAP Guidelines to ensure that your child is growing and developing appropriately. We encourage and administer all routinely recommended vaccines.


If your child should become ill, we will see your child on the same day in most instances. Please call our office during regular business hours to schedule an appointment as early as possible.


For long-standing or chronic issues, or problems that may require additional time to discuss, we will schedule extra time during your visit to address all of your concerns. These may include evaluations for Asthma Action Plans, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Adoscent issues, Breast Feeding, Developmental Delays, Obesity, and Travel Consults. For a more extensive list, please see website under “SERVICES”.


There is a pediatric provider on-call 24 hours a day for all emergencies. All routine questions, and medication refills should be done during regular business hours.


We provide many routine lab tests in our office such as COVID, Flu, RSV, and Strep tests, urine analysis, and anemia checks, all with same-day results.


We administer many screening tests such as vision and hearing exams.


Telemedicine consultations may be offered for certain conditions and concerns, but our providers may recommend that your child be seen in office, in order to be examined and ensure that we are providing the highest quality of care.


TLC is happy to provide breastfeeding support to new moms and babies. Whether you are a first-time or 5th time mom, we know that the days and weeks after giving birth can be emotional and challenging, particularly when breastfeeding. Breastfeeding can reduce a child's risk of illness (including COVID-19, RSV and the flu), ear infections, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), obesity, asthma and childhood cancer, and so much more! For moms, breastfeeding can lower the risk of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, Premenopausal breast cancer, Ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, and can INCREASE the mom's quality and quantity of sleep. Because breastfeeding is so important, we encourage all babies to breastfeed for at least the first several months. We offer breastfeeding consults to every newborn within the first few weeks of life, and support the breastfeeding team for as long as it takes for mom and baby to establish a comfortable feeding pattern. Because there are 2 participants in the breastfeeding team, both mother's and baby's insurance will be billed, and you may be responsible for 2 co-pays. Our Certified Lactation Counselor will be assessing both mom and baby in order to foster a successful breastfeeding team.


If you are planning to travel abroad, we encourage you to meet with one of our doctors to discuss any current issues at your destination and the possible need for vaccines and/or medications prior to your departure.


Our pediatric providers encourage healthy oral habits for our children, and provide Topical Dental Fluoride treatments for the prevention of dental caries, starting at the eruption of the first tooth and at every well child check through three years of age. After age 3, children can get their “topical fluoride” through their favorite toothpaste once they learn how to spit it out.

Along with this, we recommended:

- Brushing or cleaning teeth, at least once a day, starting with the eruption of the first tooth

- Avoiding sugary drinks and sweets

- Transitioning from the bottle to a sippy-cup after one year of age

- Avoiding frequent sips of juice or milk from a sippy cup which continually exposes the teeth to sugars.

SEE: AAP recommendation on Fluoride Varnish:



At T.L.C. Pediatrics, we start screening for developmental delays at 2 months old. We make suggestions to parents/guardians on how to stimulate their child’s early development. We follow the “Bright Futures” guidelines as promoted by the American Academy of Pediatrics. We give medical advice on possible delays and how to intervene. We encourage parents to read to their children as early as possible. We are enrolled with the non-profit program “Reach Out and Read”, which donates books for our children at TLC Pediatrics for their well check-ups starting at 6 months through 5 years of age.

If delays are found in a child’s development and there is little or no progress in spite of some parental intervention, children are immediately referred to “Birth-to-Three”, a federally funded program. Sometimes a referral to a child neurologist or developmentalist may also be indicated. Some babies, such as those who are extremely premature, or with birth-defects or syndromes, are referred to Birth-to-Three from birth.

For more information, please see:

Bright futures website


Reach out and read website


Birth to three



Our pediatric providers screen children for autism at 19 months and again at 24 months (or at any other time if there are concerning symptoms) with the M-CHAT (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers) screening tool. If there are enough concerns raised by parents, or the child fails the M-CHAT (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers) screening tool with follow up interview, we immediately refer the child to Birth-To-Three and a developmental specialist. We are well connected with a local network of specialists that can help us make a definitive diagnosis when needed, and prioritize all children under the age of 3, so your child may start receiving therapies as soon as possible. It is well known that the earlier the diagnosis of autism is made, and the earlier a child is started on intensive intervention therapy, the better the outcome. These therapies may include A.B.A. (Applied Behavioral Analysis), Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Socialization Therapy, Aquatherapy, ABC’s Program through Birth-to-Three. We also advise parents that their child may qualify for Disability Benefits through the State of Connecticut and connect them with local resources.



Applied Behavioral Analysis for Autism



When parents and/or teachers are concerned about learning issues, we can start evaluating children for possible ADHD or other learning problems as early as Kindergarten.

T his is a comprehensive evaluation that may take a few visits to complete. We use the Vanderbilt Rating Scales, giving us input from parents and teachers, together with our own observation of the child, and follow the evidence-based guidelines established by the American Academy of Pediatrics. As part of the evaluation, we make sure that these symptoms are not caused by another disorder that can “look” like ADHD, such as a learning disability, anxiety, depression, a conduct disorder, or lack of quality sleep as in obstructive sleep apnea. Any of these disorders might make a child seem inattentive, but have a different origin and a different treatment. In addition, any of these disorders may co-exist with ADHD, making symptoms worse.

When the diagnosis is not clear, or there seem to be other contributing factors as listed above, we request a PPT (Planning and Placement Team) evaluation through the school system and use their findings as additional information. The PPT evaluation can become a crucial component of the diagnosis and treatment plan, as many children with ADHD also have learning disabilities, and may be entitled to receive additional services by law, under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

For children with ADHD, we recommend a more structured environment at home and school, with clear boundaries and routines, less distractions around homework time, and preferential seating in the classroom if possible. Make sure your child gets a healthy diverse diet, limit the juices and sweets that can make them more “wired”, and make sure they get plenty of daily exercise to burn the “extra energy”.

When the diagnosis of ADHD is made and the child is over the age of 5 or 6, in most cases we recommend the use of stimulant medication, preferably combined with behavioral therapy, with close follow up to monitor for school performance and side effects. Many studies have shown that untreated ADHD can lead to problems with anxiety, depression, impulse control, and substance abuse later in life.




At our pediatric Medical Home, our providers use “Motivational Interviewing” techniques to help motivate our patients to overcome ambivalence and make the necessary behavioral changes that lead to healthier lifestyles. This is an “evidenced-based” counseling style that empowers patients to make their own decisions by making them feel heard and understood, which is proven to be more successful than just giving advice.

During the visit, we address high risk behaviors for obesity and we help our patients find healthier choices THEY like, to replace foods that are high in calories and low in nutritional value to a diet richer in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts and whole grains. We give them access to educational websites, and teach them how to read nutrition labels. Regular exercise or physical activity for a minimum of 1 hour a day is also strongly promoted. Part of the evaluation also involves laboratory screening for “co-morbidities” (conditions that often are associated with obesity) such as elevated cholesterol, diabetes, pre-diabetes, liver disease, vitamin deficiencies (such as iron and Vitamin D), and any other tests that may be indicated.

We schedule these visits monthly to every 3 months, until our patient achieves their goal weight, usually by “growing into it” rather than by losing weight.

For more information, please see:

Motivational interviewing and the AAP:


Obesity Prevention Video:



An Asthma Action Plan is a comprehensive evaluation of your child’s asthma and allergy symptoms and a treatment plan.

This includes symptoms and their frequency: such as night time cough, cough with exercise.

Duration: such as days, weeks or months.

Triggers: such as colds, pollen, dust-mites, pets, mold, weeds, anxiety, stress, exercise.

We also discuss “co-morbidities” (other health problems that can make asthma symptoms more difficult to control) such as food allergies, eczema, reflux (heartburn), stress, anxiety. Family history is also very important in the assessment. Children with a family history of asthma and/or allergies are more likely to need controller medications and less likely to outgrow it. Environmental factors such as carpets, pets, mold, or smokers at home may also be a trigger in asthma symptoms, and minimizing these exposures can make asthma easier to treat.

Asthma symptoms can vary with the seasons of the year, and children may need “controller medications” such as inhaled steroids in the spring, and winter months in addition to their rescue inhaler “Albuterol”. All these factors are considered when making an individual “Asthma Action Plan” for your child. This “Asthma Action Plan” will change with seasons of the year, and as your child ages. That is why children with asthma need to be seen at least every 3 to 6 months to make adjustments. When medications are changed or new ones are added, your child may need to be seen even more frequently to make sure symptoms are improving.

For further information, please see:



Teens and young adults need specialized medical care and a doctor with whom they can discuss anything, from normal body growth and development, illness, preventive care, sexual concerns and emotional problems. Their parents also need special guidance and support through these years. Our practice goal is to provide comprehensive health care to our patients and their families.

As teens begin to develop into adults and take more responsibility for their lives, we ask for more input from them about their health. Our pediatricians usually interview and encourage teens to discuss his or her own view of their problems while their parents wait outside for a portion of their visit. Talking to teens without the parent gives them a chance to ask questions or give information they may feel self-conscious about. Teens often have questions or concerns that they may feel embarrassed to talk about in front of their parents. Many teenagers and young adults experiment with high-risk behaviors that can lead to serious problems.

In Connecticut high schools:

36 % have tried cigarettes

60 % drank alcohol

33 % have tried marijuana

38 % have had sex

Sometimes teenagers will hide their behavior so parents are not the first to find out. Our goal is to help prevent and identify these problems before they become serious. Connecticut state law requires that some services are offered to teens privately. This includes pregnancy testing and services, contraception, testing for and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, substance abuse treatment, and mental health counseling. We ask parents to leave for part of the interview for confidentiality and to build trust. We also encourage the teen to discuss important issues with their parent or guardian.

It is important to know that if a teen is doing anything to hurt themselves or others, or if someone is hurting them, we will be forced to break confidentiality and tell an appropriate adult.

The staff is always available to discuss health problems or answer questions. Our staff wants to work with you to help your teen(s) make the best choices for a healthy future.

Adolescent sex education



You will not be treated differently because of your race, skin color, place where you were born, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or health insurance. You will be treated with respect by all health center staff.

If your parents are with you, we ask your parents to leave for part of your visit –this is your time to talk to us privately. We also encourage you to share the information we discuss with your parent/caregiver or another trusted adult in your life.

The private information you share with us at TLC Pediatrics will not be shared with other people without you saying it is okay (giving consent).

According to Connecticut law, all teens can get the following services without the permission of his/her parent or legal guardian:

- Pregnancy Testing

- Birth Control Information and Contraceptives

- Testing and Treatment for Sexually Transmitted Infections

- Substance Abuse Treatment

We will be forced to share your private information (by law) when:

- You tell our staff or we suspect that an adult is hurting you.

T.L.C. Pediatrics, LLC


10 Mott Avenue,
Suite 2A,
Norwalk, CT 06850


To provide better quality care, all of our office hours are by appointment only.


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 AM - 1:00 PM



Contact Us

For further questions or assistance, please call

(203) 855-7551

24 hour Emergency On-Call Provider

(203) 855-7551 or (855) 303-1969