How to Choose Proper Shoes?

When you wear clothes that fit, you look and feel better. Shirts or pants that are too tight or too loose can be distracting and proper shoesuncomfortable. Properly-fitting shoes play the same role, yet most people aren't aware of how their shoes are affecting their health and appearance. Dr. Arthur Kaplan, your podiatrist in Port Washington, NY, analyzes the way his patients' feet are shaped and recommends the best shoes for each person. Combining the proper shoes with orthotics, or corrective inserts, can make your life easier. Here's how:

Professional opinion

According to athletic shoe manufacturer New Balance, 60% of people are wearing shoes that don't fit properly. This means that you could be causing undue damage to your feet. By seeking out a professional shoe fitting, you'll find out if you're wearing the right size and width for your feet and how your unique gait can play a part in the support you need.

You should also work with your Port Washington podiatrist to learn about the anatomy of your foot and how orthotics can help balance out any weaknesses you may have. Wearing corrective devices can make a huge difference in your posture, your comfort level and the way you exercise.

Function over form

High heels and pointed dress shoes look great, but the long-term effects they have on your feet are less than attractive. Calluses, bunions and other foot problems can develop if you're consistently wearing shoes that contort the shape of the foot. Fortunately, shoe manufacturers have responded to both the aesthetic and comfort needs of their customers, and there is now a wide variety of comfortable yet fashionable shoes available for purchase. These shoes can either accommodate custom orthotics or have orthotics already built in. Your podiatrist can recommend specific brands and where to get them.

To learn more about choosing the proper shoes, contact NY Sports Podiatry in Port Washington, NY, to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kaplan.

Office Hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Thursday: 10:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday: 10:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

Contact Us

Sports Podiatrist in Port Washington, NY

(516) 883-8313
36 Main St Port Washington, NY 11050