Orofascial Pain

There are several different causes that can affect a person having pain in the head and neck areas, but about 25% of the population is affected. Some causes could be trauma, stress, muscles, or neurologic to name a few. The major complaints arise from the temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) or patients that suffer from chronic headaches.

Headaches can be classified into two major groups of a migraine and tension-type. Usually, tension-type affect both sides of the head whereas a migraine usually affects just one side. Migraine headaches can be either episodic or chronic with the distinction of having more than 15 in a month specifically on one side. These can be extremely painful and debilitating. These can also have an aura, which is a spacey feeling. Usually, migraine headaches are aggravated by noise and light, worsen with exertion, and may have a pulsating feeling. In a majority of cases, migraine headaches are caused by a trigger point in the head and neck because due to muscle tension. These can be treated in a number of ways in our office ranging from cold therapy to using Botox to relieve the cause of the problem, which can be a life-changing therapy for those that suffer. Ultimately the cause of the pain needs to be diagnosed and treated accordingly.

Dangerous headaches...RED FLAG
Certain times people will have severe headaches that require immediate medical attention. In this case, call 911.

  • First or worse headache of the patient's life
  • A headache triggered by a cough or exertion
  • A headache causing a change in personality, mental status, or level of consciousness
  • New onset in pregnancy or postpartum
  • New onset in people over 50
  • A headache associated with a fever or rash

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