
  • Chewing Gum: Fact and Fiction
    Remember all the things your parents would tell you when you were growing up to scare you away from doing something? Like how lying might make your nose grow, misbehaving Read more
  • Seven Foods that will Give You a Smashing Smile
    As the saying goes, you are what you eat. But did you know that what you eat also affects your smile? Chow down on these seven tasty treats, recommended by Read more
  • Team Dark Chocolate
    Valentine’s Day is the holiday to celebrate all the treasured relationships in your life. It’s a time to honor love in all shapes and forms with cards, social gatherings, and Read more
  • February is Heart Month
    The American Academy of Periodontology stresses the importance of good oral health since gum disease may be linked to heart disease and stroke. Thus far, no cause-and-effect relationship has been Read more
  • The Secret to Keeping Your Teeth for Life
    The secret to keeping your teeth for life involves more than one secret. The first is that there is no secret; and in fact, there really is no difficulty involved. Read more
  • Keep It Cheesy for a Long-Lasting Smile
    You’ve heard people tell you to say “cheese” when you’re having your picture taken, probably more times than you can count. There is another reason you should be saying “cheese” Read more
  • Oral-Systemic Health
    Oral-systemic health is the idea that oral health is a critical and interconnected component to a patient’s overall health and well-being. Studies show that people who have poor oral health Read more
  • Going Green for the New Year
    Does your list of New Year’s resolutions for the coming months include reducing your ecological footprint? If so, let’s ring in the year with some basic—and some innovative—dental ideas to Read more
  • A Brighter Smile for the New Year
    The beginning of a new year is the perfect opportunity for a fresh start for you and your smile. At McLean Dental Care, a brighter smile is quick and easy! Given Read more
  • Is There an Act Three for Our Teeth?
    Act One: Those 20 adorable baby teeth which begin arriving when you’re about six months old and are probably gone by the time you’re twelve. Act Two: The 32 (if you Read more
  • Famous Dentists in History
    Every six months or so you head down to your local dentist for a teeth cleaning, but have you ever thought that your dentist could one day be famous? Well, Read more
  • ‘Tis the Season—for Healthy Dental Choices!
    It might be the most wonderful time of the year, but if you’re dashing through the snow to an emergency dental appointment, you’re not feeling very jolly. And post-holiday, no Read more
  • How Missing Teeth Can Affect Your Health
    According to the American Academy of Periodontology, an estimated three out of four Americans suffer from gum disease. In milder cases, the disease is called gingivitis. More severe cases are Read more
  • Thanksgiving Trivia
    At McLean Dental Care we love learning trivia and interesting facts about Thanksgiving! This year, the doctor wanted to share some trivia that might help you feel a bit smarter Read more
  • The Evolution of the Toothbrush
    Oral hygiene has always been an important part of maintaining overall health. For thousands of years, humans have found ways to keep their teeth and mouths clean. According to the Read more
  • My mouth is dry. What can I do?
    Nobody likes a dry mouth. It is an uncomfortable and sometimes oddly unexplainable sensation that most people like to avoid. It is not a condition that automatically sends you into Read more

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7:00 am-4:00 pm


7:00 am-4:00 pm


8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (telephone hours)



