Understanding Heel Pain: Causes and Triggers

Looking for lasting relief from heel pain? The team at Moore Foot & Ankle Specialists in Asheville, NC is committed to finding the best treatment options for your needs.

Underlying Causes and Triggers of Heel Pain

When your heels hurt, every moment of your day can be painful. It can be difficult to walk, work, buy your groceries, and complete any other task that involves movement of the feet. Fortunately, it can be relieved, beginning with an understanding of what causes and triggers heel pain in the first place. The team at Moore Foot & Ankle Specialists in Asheville, NC shares this important information in the guide below.

Underlying Causes of Pain in the Heel

Pain in the heels can come from many different types of injuries, but the following are some of the most common.

Achilles Tendinitis

Along the back of your leg is a tendon that connects your heels and your calf muscles. When it becomes overused and inflamed, it leads to pain in the heel and a limited range of motion.


Your heel joint is cushioned by a small sac of fluid called the bursa. Overuse in and around the heel joint can cause the bursa to become inflamed.

Plantar Fasciitis

Your arch is supported by a thick band of tissue that runs from the toes to the heels. This band is called the plantar fascia. Like other tissues, it often develops tears due to overuse, creating pain throughout the feet.

Heel Spurs

When you injure any of your foot components, it can cause calcium deposits that form as bony growths on the heels. Though these aren’t always painful, they can be.

What Triggers or Worsens Heel Pain?

Generally speaking, most injuries that cause pain in the heels are due to overuse of one or more parts of the foot. Though overuse does occur in runners, athletes, and people who work on their feet, it can happen to anyone. Other factors that typically lead to overuse include:

  • Wearing shoes that don’t provide proper support for your feet
  • Shoes that don’t fit properly
  • Overpronation issues
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Health issues, such as arthritis and diabetes
  • Not resting your feet

Additionally, anyone who works or exercises on hard surfaces or plays a sport that involves jumping is at a higher risk.

Let our team at Moore Foot & Ankle Specialists in Asheville, NC help determine the underlying cause and contributing factors of your heel pain and develop a personalized care plan to provide you with optimal relief. Call (828) 350-1880 to schedule an appointment today.

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