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Demystifying Toenail Fungus: Causes, Symptoms, and Risk Factors

You can do regular checks at home to figure out if you may be experiencing symptoms of toenail fungus. This is a foot condition that affects as many as 14 percent of Americans according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you have concerns about toenail fungus, get an official diagnosis and discuss treatments when you visit Kansas City Foot & Ankle in Downtown Kansas City, North Kansas City, & Lee's Summit, MO.

Symptoms of Toenail Fungus

The usual appearance of a healthy toenail is smooth and pink with a white tip. When the coloring or texture begins to change, that may be a sign of a fungal infection. Common symptoms include:

  • Yellowish or brown color.
  • Flaky or chalky texture.
  • Thickened nails.
  • The toenail begins to lift away from the skin.
  • Strong, unpleasant odor from the feet.

Toenail Fungus: Causes and Risk Factors

A fungus is normal in nature (like mushrooms), but when it grows on the skin or nails it can turn into a problematic infection. Common causes of toenail fungus include walking barefoot in wet or moist environments (like a public pool), wearing moist shoes or socks that may already have traces of the fungus, athlete’s foot, and having a manicure with unsterilized nail tools. Patients who have been diagnosed with diabetes, peripheral arterial disease or a compromised immune system may be more prone to developing toenail fungus.

How Is Toenail Fungus Treated?

In some cases, a fungal infection will clear up on its own with proper care, cleaning (and drying), toenail maintenance, and the application of an anti-fungal cream. But some cases of toenail fungus may require more aggressive treatment from your Downtown Kansas City, North Kansas City, & Lee's Summit, MO podiatrist, like prescription strength anti-fungal (oral or topical) or excision of infected nail tissue.

Keep Your Toenails in Good Shape

Don't delay if you're having serious symptoms of toenail fungus. Schedule a visit with a podiatrist to have your foot health reviewed and learn your options for relief. Call (816) 943-1111 today to set an appointment for toenail fungus treatment with a doctor at Kansas City Foot & Ankle in Downtown Kansas City, North Kansas City, & Lee's Summit, MO.

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