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Velscope Vx Enhanced Oral Assessment System

VELscope Vx Enhanced Oral Cancer Screening

VELscope® VX Product Highlights

This technology was developed by British Columbia Cancer Agency and MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, backed by over $50 million in research funded by NIH.

What is Oral Health Screening?

• Oral cancer screening is the currently the best known guard in the fight against oral disease and oral cancer. The occurrence of mucosal abnormalities and pre-cancerous conditions is on the rise and oral health assessment is fast becoming a topic that dental health practitioners must tackle.
• As patients become aware of the risks and causations of oral disease and oral cancer, the demand for intraoral screening is set to increase.

Why is Screening Helpful?

• An oral health screening is the best way to isolate mucosal abnormalities and detect unhealthy tissue and inflammation. Abnormalities not normally visible in a general examination, can be cited with a VELscope® Vx system.
• VELscope™ technology is non-invasive and integrates four concepts: light, sophisticated filtering, natural tissue fluorophores, human optical and neural physiology, which isolates abnormal fluorescence patterns during the screening process.

How Does it Stack Up ?

• More than 25 million VELscope® Vx oral health examinations have been performed by over 12,000 dental practitioners in 23 countries.
• The technology is also backed by more clinical studies than any other adjunctive device for tissue fluorescence visualization, making the VELscope® Vx a number one choice for Dental Health Practitioners and their patients.

Release Date:  1/21/2014
LED Dental Inc. ©

For information about the Oral Cancer Foundation Click Here.