5 Oral Health Care Tips To Remember This Summer

Dr. Karen Lawitts  run a popular Syracuse, NY dental office on Intrepid Lane that is committed to “lifelong dental health.” Here are five oral health care tips to remember this summer while you’re out having fun in the sun with family and friends.

Brush Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

When the summer time rolls around, fun times with friends and family can distract you from your regular routine, like maintaining good oral care. But it’s important to stay committed. Even when you’re sun weary and just want to hit the sack at night, grab that toothbrush and floss to clean your teeth before bed.
woman smiling

Watch Out for the Berries

In the summer, we all love eating berries, like cherries, strawberries and blueberries, but these delicious fruits can also wreak havoc on your teeth over time. The colors can easily stain and discolor the teeth. So if you’re going to consume berries this summer, make sure that you keep a little toothbrush handy wherever you go to brush off the residue after enjoying them. Dr. Lawitts also recommends rinsing regularly with water or an ADA approved mouthwash.

Keep the Floss Handy at Backyard Barbecues

Barbecue food is mostly tough meats, like ribs and chicken, which can easily get stuck in between your teeth. Keep your floss or a toothpick close so that you can remove meat particles as soon as possible and avoid issues with bacteria and plaque build-up. Also, barbecue sauce is often high in sugar, so brush and floss that away as soon as possible as well.

Stay Sugar-Free

One of the worst enemies to good oral health care is consuming too many sugary sodas and treats. So resist the urge to eat too much cotton candy at summertime fairs and festivals and have water or sugar-free drinks at your upcoming picnic instead of regular soda.

Schedule Your Bi-Annual Cleaning

The summertime is the perfect time to schedule your bi-annual checkup and cleaning with Dr. Lawitts. Submit an appointment request online or call (315) 492-8138 to schedule a time for a dental cleaning.

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-12:30 pm

(Appointment Only)





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