Tips For Parents Whose Child Is Fearful of the Dentist

As every parent knows, childhood dental care is crucial to starting and maintaining lifelong oral health. But some children fear the sights and sounds of the dental office. With a little patience, parents can help to ease the child's fears and make the dentist a more comfortable place to visit. Learn more from your Syracuse dentists, Dr. Karen Lawitts.

Start Them Young

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children begin seeing the dentist by their first birthday. This can help to ensure that the child becomes accustomed to routine dental cleanings early enough in age that they should be used to them by the time they may need more invasive care. If a child's first visit to the dentist involves needles and drills, they may be very fearful of returning for regular cleanings.

Choose Your Words Carefully

When talking to your children about dental procedures, be careful not to use words that may conjure feelings of fear. Follow the dentist's lead on the language they use. Some dentists may only tell the child that they are going to be counting their teeth. If instruments will be used, the dentist may have special names for the tools that will make it fun for the child.

Stress the Importance of Oral Health

It's important to make sure your children understand how important regular cleanings and maintenance are for their teeth. Without causing fear, be sure to explain how dental care can help to keep their smile healthy so they won't have problems in the future.

Don't Use Bribery

If you promise your children treats for visiting the dentist, it sends a mixed message about what's best for the child's teeth. Instead, be sure to offer them lots of verbal encouragement and praise for being brave through the visit. This will help build their self-esteem without introducing poor eating habits.

It's also important to see a dentist who specializes in treating children. Not all dentists are comfortable with little ones. The dentists and staff at Dr. Karen Lawitts know how to ease your child's dental fears.

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