Tooth Colored Fillings Restore Damaged Teeth

How tooth-colored fillings from your dentist in Woodland, CA, can enhance your smile

How much do you know about dental fillings? If you are thinking about the bulky, old, leaking metal fillings you had when you were a kid, think again! It’s time to discover modern tooth-colored fillings which can both strengthen and beautify your smile.

Dr. James Zimmerman in Woodland, CA, offers a wide range of preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry services, including tooth-colored fillings to enhance your smile.

People love tooth-colored fillings, and you will too. Let’s face it, having a beautiful smile is important to your looks, your self-esteem, and your self-confidence. When you need a filling, why not choose tooth-colored fillings?

These are just a few of the amazing benefits you will enjoy when you choose tooth-colored fillings to restore your damaged teeth:

  • Great strength; the tooth-colored filling material actually bonds with tooth structure, becoming one surface. Metal fillings don’t do this. In fact, they can separate your tooth into sections, making the tooth weaker and more susceptible to breaking. Tooth-colored fillings increase the strength of your tooth.
  • Great beauty; the tooth-colored filling material can be matched almost exactly to the color of your teeth. Metal fillings look unnatural and don’t belong in your smile. Tooth-colored fillings blend effortlessly with your smile.
  • Great treatment; tooth-colored fillings can be completed in one appointment, easily and quickly.

Imagine the joy of not tasting or seeing metal in your mouth! Tooth-colored fillings are also an excellent choice for people with metal allergies.

Tooth-colored fillings are the answer to a brighter, more natural-looking, stronger smile. They are the answer to a metal-free smile! To discover more about the benefits of tooth-colored fillings and how they can enhance your smile, call Dr. James Zimmerman in Woodland, CA, at (530) 661-1155. Call now!

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