Caring for Your Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can strengthen and restore your smile. They provide a strong new exterior for teeth that are damaged or have become too weak to perform regular biting and chewing functions. Dental crowns look like and function like natural teeth, and caring for them is as simple as maintaining your regular oral hygiene routine. Dr. James Zimmerman can restore beauty and function to your damaged teeth with custom dental crowns at our office in Woodland, CA.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are hollow tooth-like caps that fit over teeth. They can serve several purposes and offer many benefits. Dental crowns can be used to strengthen and protect damaged teeth, as well as restore function. They can also improve the appearance of teeth with cosmetic issues, such as stains or discolorations. Since they look and function just like regular teeth, dental crowns readily blend in with the rest of your smile.

Another benefit of dental crowns is that they are extremely versatile. In addition to restoring beauty and function to teeth, they can also be used to help restore your smile following tooth loss. When used in conjunction with dental implants, bridgework, or fixed dentures, dental crowns help replace missing teeth. The skilled dentist at our office in Woodland can have dental crowns custom made for you.

Tips on Caring for Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are extremely durable and can last often last for up to eight years or more before needing to be replaced. There are several steps you can to properly care for your crowns so they last as long as possible, including:

  • Floss around crowns regularly to prevent excess plaque from forming
  • Avoid eating or chewing on hard, sticky, or brittle foods, including hard candy and ice
  • Avoid grinding the teeth or clenching the jaw, and wear a nightguard if needed
  • Avoid biting your nails or chewing on the ends of pens, pencils, or other items

Dental crowns can strengthen and restore damaged teeth, as well as dramatically improve the appearance of teeth with cosmetic concerns. With proper care, your crowns can last for many years. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Zimmerman to find out if you are a candidate for dental crowns by calling our office in Woodland, CA, at (530) 661-1155.

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