Let Us Restore Your Teeth With Cosmetic Fillings

Cosmetic fillings are a discreet option for restoring teeth damaged by decay. What sets cosmetic fillings apart from other types of dental fillings is that they are tooth-colored so they blend in with the natural teeth. Dr. James Zimmerman, the skilled dentist at our office in Woodland, CA, can restore damaged teeth discreetly with cosmetic fillings.

What are Cosmetic Fillings?

Cosmetic fillings are a type of dental filling for restoring teeth affected by decay. They help restore teeth by filling in and sealing damaged areas where infection or decay has left empty cavities in teeth. These fillings can also be referred to as composite fillings or tooth-colored fillings since they closely match the color of natural teeth.

Cosmetic fillings are usually made from a composite blend of materials, including plastic resin and glass fillers. They can also be made from porcelain or glass ionomer. The experienced dentist at our office in Woodland, CA, can help you decide if cosmetic fillings are the right choice for you.

Benefits of Cosmetic Fillings

There are many benefits that come with choosing cosmetic fillings. One of the most exciting benefits is that they are tooth-colored so the filling material blends in with the surrounding tooth. Another significant advantage of cosmetic fillings is that the material bonds to the natural tooth as it hardens and dries. The benefit of bonding is that less drilling and fewer undercuts are needed to help the filling material stay in place, which means a greater amount of the natural tooth structure can be preserved.

The benefits of cosmetic fillings include:

  • Strengthening and restoring teeth affected by damage or decay
  • Stopping the spread of infection and decay to other teeth
  • Restoring biting and chewing functions in damaged teeth
  • Preserving a greater amount of healthy tooth structure

Cosmetic fillings strengthen and restore your teeth discreetly. Dr. Zimmerman can help determine if this discreet option for you. To schedule an appointment with the dentist, call our office in Woodland, CA, at (530) 661-1155.

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