Give Your Smile a Second Chance with Dental Implants

Who says that you can’t have a beautiful smile after tooth loss?

Just because you’re an adult who is missing one or more teeth doesn’t mean that your smile doesn’t deserve a second chance. Dental implants can give you that second chance at having a full healthy smile for the rest of your life. Our Woodland, CA, dentist Dr. James Zimmerman has been restoring more and more toothless smiles thanks to dental implants. Here’s how dental implants can benefit you,

They Can Last Decades

There are many components that make dental implants an amazing long-term solution to tooth loss. As long as you maintain good oral hygiene there is no reason why your implant couldn’t last you the rest of your life. That’s for several reasons including,

  • The implant itself is supported by the jawbone, which naturally fuses together with bone and tissue
  • The implant becomes a permanent part of your mouth
  • It’s typically made from titanium, a biocompatible and extremely durable material

They Function Like Real Teeth

You’re going to be hard pressed to find a tooth replacement option that feels, functions and even looks as realistic as a dental implant. Since an implant truly does take the place of your missing tooth roots, this means that it works in much the same way as real teeth.

This means that it won’t take much to get used to your new tooth, since it will literally feel and act just like your smile did before you lost your tooth. This means you can go back to enjoying all of your favorite foods again and you’ll find a renewed confidence in your smile.

They Support the Face and Jawbone

For a dental implant to work, our Woodland, CA, general dentist has to surgically place the implant itself into the jawbone. The implant will stimulate the jawbone just like the natural tooth roots do, preventing bone loss from occurring. Also, filling gaps in your smile with false teeth will also help to support the muscles and shape of your face.

They Protect the Rest of Your Smile

Dental implants do not rely on neighboring teeth for support, which means that we won’t need to prep or shape teeth to hold your implant in place. Less pressure and stress placed on your natural teeth the better for the health of your smile in the long run. Plus, by placing a false tooth in that gap, it will prevent the rest of your teeth from drifting into these open spaces.

If you have questions about getting dental implants from our Woodland, CA, family dentist or if you want to find out if implants are right for you then call (530) 661-1155 to schedule a consultation.

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