Types of Dentures

Dentures are an excellent way to repair one or more teeth that are delicate or severely damaged. If you are a victim of tooth loss Dr. James P. Zimmerman, your dentist in Woodland, CA, can restore your appearance with this restorative procedure. Read on to learn about the different types of dentures their own unique benefits.

Why Do I Need Dentures?

Dentures are not just for patients over the age of 60—young adults can benefit from this treatment as well. Tooth loss doesn't happen overnight, but when it occurs, it's necessary to restore the area in order to prevent further damage, the shifting of teeth, and possible infections. If you're already missing a couple of teeth and have a hard time eating the food you once enjoyed, your dentist may recommend one of several different types of dentures.

Common Types of Dentures

Commonly known as false teeth, the following options are the most popular varieties of dentures:

  • Complete (Full) - This removable prosthetic appliance can be used in the upper and lower jaw when all of the teeth are missing in the arch of your gums. They are recommended when there are issues with the bite and help protect the facial structure.
  • Removable Partials - Consisting of a set of replacement teeth attached to a pink-colored plastic base, this form of dentures combines with a metal framework to hold it steady in the mouth. These are usually advised when healthy teeth remain intact.

The Process of Getting Dentures

Before your dentist, creates your dentures, you'll need to visit our office in Woodland, CA, for an oral examination. The process varies by patient, but it typically involves taking impressions of the mouth and extracting any teeth that are no longer properly serving their purpose. Once the molds are made, we send them to a laboratory where your permanent dentures are designed. Once they are finished, wearing them might take some getting used to, but in the long run, you'll be able to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

Interested? Give Us a Call

To learn more about dental procedures and treatments, visit our website. For questions or appointment scheduling, please call our office in Woodland, CA, by dialing (530) 661-1155.

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