Do You Have Periodontal Disease?

GumsPeriodontal disease is one of the most common oral health problems, yet many people are unaware that they even have it. Also known as gum disease, periodontal disease can damage your gums, destroy bones and ligaments, and cause tooth loss if it's not diagnosed and treated promptly. Fortunately, your Woodland, CA, dentist, Dr. James Zimmerman, can help you care for your smile with gum-protecting exams and treatments.

Could I Have Periodontal Disease?

You may have gum disease if you notice any of these signs and symptoms:

  • Bleeding Gums: Irritated gums tend to bleed easily when you brush and floss your teeth. Bleeding is never normal and shouldn't be ignored. If your toothbrush looks pink after you brush or you see blood on your gums, make an appointment with your Woodland dentist. Bleeding can be the first sign of gingivitis, the mildest form of periodontal disease. In most cases, a dental cleaning and a renewed focus on oral hygiene will reverse gingivitis.
  • Bad Breath: It's not unusual to have bad breath first thing in the morning or after eating a garlicky pasta dish. However, when breath odor becomes a constant problem throughout the day, it may be a sign that you have gum disease.
  • Pain and Swelling: If you have periodontal disease, your gums may hurt, particularly when you chew. You may also notice that they're red and puffy.
  • Receding Gums: Are your teeth looking a little longer these days? Gum disease may be the reason.
  • Sensitivity: Receding gums expose your sensitive tooth roots. If you've been experiencing pain after consuming hot, cold or sugary foods/drinks, let your dentist know.
  • Pockets: If your gum disease isn't treated in the early stages of the disease, you may eventually develop pockets around your teeth. Pockets form when the gums pull away from the teeth. Deep pockets provide the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and are a sign of serious gum disease.
  • Loose Teeth: The bacteria can eventually destroy or damage the bones and ligaments that hold your teeth in place. Treatment may prevent you from losing loose teeth, depending on the extent of the damage.

Give Us a Call!

Don't ignore possible signs of periodontal disease! Call your Woodland, CA, dentist, Dr. James Zimmerman, at (530) 661-1155 to schedule your appointment.

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