What are Dental Implants?

A missing tooth does more than just create a gap in your smile, it can also cause bone atrophy and displace your remaining teeth if left untreated. If you have a gap, your dentist may suggest dental implants, a powerful tooth replacement option which completes your smile Dental Implantsand helps you avoid the risks of an untreated missing tooth. Read below to learn more about dental implants, and contact Dr. James Zimmerman in Woodland, CA, for personal treatment!

How A Dental Implant Works
A dental implant uses three main components to replace your missing tooth: a fixture, an abutment, and a prosthetic tooth. Together, these pieces work together to keep the implant securely and permanently in place. A dentist implants the fixture directly into the jaw, where the bone will grow around it and hold it in place. An abutment is then placed in order to connect the prosthetic tooth to the fixture, after which the entire piece will feel and function as naturally as the rest of your teeth!

Good Candidates for Dental Implants
A good candidate for dental implants must have several qualities:

  • A strong at-home oral care routine to keep their teeth and implants healthy and clean
  • Good overall health
  • Decay-free teeth and healthy gums
  • The ability to undergo the necessary anesthesia
  • Minimal bone atrophy in the area of the implant (Patients with significant bone atrophy may require a bone grafting procedure.)
  • Commitment to seeing their dentist twice a year for preventative examinations and cleanings

Dental Implant Tooth Replacements in Woodland, CA
Leaving a missing tooth untreated can result in some serious issues with your smile. A gap allows the teeth surrounding it to shift. Additionally, a missing tooth causes bone atrophy, which makes the bone under the gap degrade and lose volume. Dental implants help you avoid these issues and keep your smile healthy. To ensure that your implants last a lifetime, follow the American Dental Association’s recommended oral care routine of brushing twice daily, flossing at least once a day, and regularly visiting your dentist for examinations and cleanings.

For more information on dental implants, please contact Dr. James Zimmerman in Woodland, CA. Call (530) 661-1155 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Zimmerman today!

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