How Dental Implants Can Help Restore Your Smile

Are you unhappy with the way you look since you lost a tooth? A dental implant can help you love your smile again. Our Woodland, CA, dental implantsdentist, Dr. James Zimmerman, shares several advantages of dental implants.

Dental implants replace tooth roots

Dental implants are small titanium screws that fill the space vacated by your tooth roots. Placing the implants requires a minor surgical procedure that is usually performed using a local anesthetic. After your implant is dropped in place, it begins to bond to the bone in your jaw. In just a few months, the implant becomes firmly rooted in your jaw.

Implants offer excellent support for crowns

During the last phase of the dental implant process, an artificial crown is connected to your implant in our Woodland office. Your new crown not only restores your full smile but also functions just like your lost tooth. Once it's in place, you can eat anything without a problem. Unlike bridges or dentures which can move if they don't fit well, your crown won't budge, thanks to the secure foundation that implants offer.

Dental implants prevent bone loss

Working out with weights helps keep your leg muscles strong, but it's impossible to exercise your jawbone the same way. Fortunately, your tooth roots handle the job by exerting constant pressure on the bone. After you lose a tooth, the corresponding area of the jawbone no longer receives stimulation and may begin to recede. As the jawbone shrinks, it may cause other teeth to loosen. If you've lost several teeth, shrinking may be more pronounced and can affect your appearance.

Many people in Woodland can benefit from dental implants

Dental implants are an excellent tooth restoration option. You can benefit from them if you've:

  • Lost one or more teeth
  • Are in good health
  • Don't smoke (If you do smoke, it's a good idea to quit before you receive an implant.)
  • Don't have gum disease
  • Have good oral hygiene habits

Adequate jawbone depth is also important. If your bone is shallow, it won't be able to support your jawbone. Luckily, a shallow jawbone doesn't have to prevent you from receiving a dental implant. Adding bone grafts deepens and strengthens the bone, in many cases.

Would you like to find out if you can benefit from dental implants? Call your Woodland, CA, dentist, Dr. Zimmerman, at (530) 661-1155 to make your appointment.

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